Chapter 11 - No more games. This is real life

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The next day at the football game or soccer or the way coach put them both together and just called it footsocball instead is just funny to me

"Just past the ball more often to him damn it," he said to one of the players who's trying to be selfish

"Why haven't you said nothing to me since I came here?" Danny asked COACH

"What do you want me to say to you, however I'm glad you came, miss you old friend,"

"You know what i'm talking about. Stop pretending?!?"

"I'm lost right now. What the hell are you even talking about?" Said Coach

"You don't remember our bet before the final, and you lost, now i'm here to collect what belongs to me,"

"What's bet?" Then a moment of realization."Oh, holy shit, dude, thanks for reminding me. On the contrary, you're the one who lost," exclaimed Coach

"What? Now I'm the one who lost. You said that Kai was going to score but in the wrong net, didn't you?"

"I did say Kai was going to score, but I never mentioned in which net, and you bet against me now you're the one who owns me" He started asking for his money with the hand sign.

"What? He is trying to outsmart me," says Danny while looking at me and Beautika, who was right next to me.

Then he pointed at Coach "you are trying to outsmart me...please Brayden, help. Didn't he say Kai was going to scored in the wrong net?"

"Did I?... I don't remember, so you lost."

"Well, I also don't remember," That is payback because I was in a similar situation to his a few years ago, and he did the same to me—though I honestly can not remember doing it. Now that I think we are on an equal footing, and he knows it too, based on the way he was staring at me.

Then he turned to face Coach and said, "Swear now," and Coach followed his instructions while crossing his fingers behind him.

"I should have had a witness other than Brayden, fuck that."

"Okay, Brayden he said you have it."

"What? I responded

And the next thing I know is that he was mimicking me.

" What? let's get to business. Where is my surprise? It can't be that moon princess right next to you cause I know she's your new girlfriend. "

She grinned for a moment before pretending to take offense at the coach's remarks. "Excuse me, what does that suppose to mean?"

"It was merely a complimentary statement...hence, with all due respect, Darcy was a better fit for you,"

"None taking," replied Beautika

Danny, on the other hand, was dying.

"To begin with, she is not my girlfriend. The moon princess standing next to me is our friend, Beautika LaChapelle. Beautika, this is Mmm...Coach," I uttered.

"Nice to meet you, mmm, is this his real name?" She asked

"Coach, I do not know, nobody ever really knows his name?" My question was

"To be honest, I am not even sure what my name is. I feel like my first name is Coach, and my last name is also Coach, which i don't mind at all. "

We started to laugh

"Ms. LaChapelle, are you the journalist that I have seen on TV, huh? Likewise, nice to meet you.

"En chair et en os," replied Beautika

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