Chapter 22 - Doing our own thing, i guess

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Brayden POV…

The same night, Danny called me while I was already at home, sitting down in the bathroom ground, head down. All of a sudden my phone started ringing.

Bling bling bling.

“Who the fuck is this” I said out of anger before taking my phone to see who was it.

When I saw it was Danny, I quickly pick it up

“Yoo, they know that you are not the one who is at UK at this moment we are talking, you need to do something ASAP”

I did not respond and Danny remarked that I wasn't in the mood so he carry on “do you want me to make them occupy cause I can leak something that can make both country occupy for the last 24 hours”

“Don't need to go in all this trouble all for nothing again, I'll take care of this” I replied

“Don't sit here just blaming yourself. You were too late, so what? We got the confirmation that she is still alive, we'll get them next time”

“Aight man, the next flight is in a few minutes, I'll take it for United Kingdom. We'll talk later”

“Keep me posted” He rambled.

Darcy POV…

As soon as we got to where we wanted to be, Elliott handed me a towel.

“Now get in and take a warm shower”

“What are you insinuating? Did you just say that I'm stink” I said

“So far, I never open my mouth to say that, now get in cause you need it. Take all the time you want”

Then I get in and take a bath, I shaved, I done my hair and I stop to look at myself in the mirror, I didn't like the version of saw of myself at 100% but I did like it at least, I did not gain any weight that was a start.

After I was done, I got out, and he was still sitting where I left him 2 hours later, which was in front of the bathroom door.

“In the room on the left, you'll see some clothes. I'm not that good at buying women clothes so I took some from my sister. Hopefully, they fit you” He suggested

I went inside and put the clothes on, and then i sat on the bed with my legs between my arms, and my jaw leaned on my knees. A few minutes later, he knocked on the door. “Come in” I said

He appears his head in and the rest of his body hiding behind the door “Hey, how's it going? Did they fit you?“

I pulled myself together quickly “Yes thank you, I guess your sister is the same size as me cause they got on me perfectly”

“maybe…now can you stand up?“ While he put his shyness aside and showed all of himself.

“why?“ I asked

“just standing up, and you'll see”

Then I did as he said, he glanced at me from up and down then he whispered while doing 360 gesture with his finger “Now turn until I ask you to stop”

I did, and he looked down again

“Stop” He rambled

“What?“ I asked cause obviously I was confused

“Nothing” He responded

“It must be something” I continued

“Now that I saw what I wanted to see. I can confirm that it fit you perfectly”

I smirked

“Good night, D A R C Y”

“It's just Darcy, I spelled it for you so you can pronounce it right, that's all”

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