Chapter 35 - Checkmate

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One week later...

Brayden POV

I was in the ring trying to work my arm out. It's not a hundred percent healed, but gotta do what you gotta do, and it's still hurting from time to time.

Then comes Chico.

"Wanna match?" He rambled

"No, I don't,"

"What are you scared of, scaredy cat? Are you scared that I might win this time?"

"That's exactly why, it's better to back off from a fight if you think you're not really in shape for it, that's doesn't make you weak, that's why I'll never fell for your trick," I replied

"And what is my trick exactly?" Asked Chico

"Using other weaknesses and trying to turn them in your favor,"

"Well, that also doesn't make me weak..."

"Exactly, that is very smart. That's what makes you who you are Chico an opponent to be scared off,"

"Hahaha, is this a way to tell that I am better than you?"

I look at him, and I respond, "In your dream boy... you've got to try harder."

After he failed his attempt, we continued to talk about other things, making jokes, and he left. On my way out, my phone started to ring.

Unknown: Hello

"This is Brayden Pierce on the phone. How can I help you?"

The random girl on the phone says something to me, and then I immediately answer back.

"Got it,"

I inhale, and then I continue. "Thanks for your infos... I guess you've finally figured out what is the right choice,"

And she hung up.

I hop on my car, and Javi drove me in that strange place. When we got there, I got off the car, and so did Javi.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Asked Javi

"No, Javi, stay here and wait for my call."

"Copy that."

And then he handed me the gun. I pass in the middle of a chain link walk gate, which Javi cut for me so I can go through. Obviously, I shouldn't be here, but it is for a good cause so...

When I got in, there was a black manor and 2 guards guarding the main door.

So I immediately put on a silencer, and when I got close enough, without them remarked, I shot them but not to kill. I got inside and there was another guy which doesn't seem unfamiliar to me cause he looks like someone I've seen before.

I get behind him quietly and put him to sleep, and I also make sure he can't access any guns by cuffing him as well.

I enter next in a room that looks like a mini night club , and suddenly, this mysterious voice starts questioning.

"Do you see any Shortcuts yet that will heading me towards my helicopter faster and without being seen by no one, like I asked?" Say the mysterious voice

But no one answered.

"They going to be there at 10 PM tonight, it's time to get the fuck out of here" he continued

"Shawn... I heard you entering the room, so open your fucking mouth"

Still in vain.

"Shawn..." He screamed

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