Chapter 17 - Am i a damsel in distress?

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Darcy - POV

"Hello, is anyone here?" I yelled, and no one responded

"Can ya'll at least take this off my eyes, I know we are inside now, so there's no reason to"

I became aware that I was alone in the middle of nowhere after a few minutes had passed and no one had still responded. I tried my best to untied myself, but no success.

After a while, just as I was beginning to lose hope, I heard footsteps outside and screamed.

"Please, somebody help, help me,"

A smile spread across my face as I heard the door open, thinking that someone had finally heard me after all these attempts.

I started to pray, things I don't do often. "Please untie me before they come back, quick," I sighed

Then I heard the person who was in the room with me respond "Please miss, I'm not here to broke out no one, I'm just here to do my job" it was a men voice

"What? Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on? why am I fucking here?" I ask while being mad as fuck

"Hein, can someone tell me?"I continued

"I don't know shit, my presence here is to not let you starve"

I heard that and I started laughing quietly and then I get Louder.

"Oh, you found that hillarious, guess what? So do I princess" He exclaimed

"Don't fucking called me like that"

"As you wish, now please don't try doing something you will regret, just open your mouth" He ordered me

"At least unblindfold me, so I can see what I'm eating"

"Absolutely not, I will not jeorpardize my identity like that" He replied

"Then I won't open shit" I said

"Alright then, I will leave and tell them that I did what they asked" He said while he's pretending to leave the room

"How should I know what I'm going to eat? What if it's your dick you'll put in my mouth? " I asked

"Then bite it off."

"And you are wrong cause I don't have a dick," added the unknown

"Well, you sound very masculine to me,"

"I am Trans, okay?"


"So dear, you gotta believe me in this," He continued

"What are your pronouns then?"

"He or she whatever."

I feel him passing the food under My nose, I can say what it was, it smell like pasta cooked with milk and cheese, and right next to it was scrambled eggs. That's when I know where I am. I am in a restaurant basement, and the question is, how can i tell?

Well, I came here several times, and I ordered that same dishes in the menu cause it was my favorite.

What scared me the most is that I know where I am, which is not that far from where Brayden and I brought a house, but I couldn't do anything about it.

I hate being so powerless. The only time I want to feel like that type of way is when I am with Brayden, but unfortunately, it was a totally different case.

"Okay, did you make up your mind yet?" The unknown asked

Then I finally opened my mouth. "Good choice," he added

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