Chapter 2- Let's Play A Game

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Have I ever been in love, like for real?

Duh, what kind of question is that?

I may have been dubbed the Queen of Hearts, but I am not the person they portrayed me as—that is, someone who enjoys playing with people's emotions for amusement—you know? Well I was that girl but I did fell in love first with Serge, the Most handsome, the best soccer player, and captain of the Athletic club MCI and you already know he was popular, the most popular boy of all.

They were three guys: Emma liked to say, "They were all assholes," but Kai was the smartest and funniest of them. Lucas, on the other hand, was the most attractive guy on campus and he would not take any of the other guys' bullshit.

The attractive Serge was one of them, and we were together.

Two months before the championship, we were on break time.

At the exit of the main building, he comes up to me and starts to talk to me.

"Hey girlfriend,"

"Hey boyfriend,"I responded

"I just take the time and book the famous lake house for the weekend, what do you say, would you like us to spend some time together?"He proposed

I was taken aback because, trust me, in our two years of dating, he had never extended an invitation to somewhere other than his home. And don't get me wrong, we've been together for 3 years now.

I am not sure what gets into me, but I cover my mouth with one hand as if he were proposing marriage to me. God knows, I am not ready yet.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes I would love to,"
I screamed

"Great, see you tomorrow then,"

"See you tomorrow, Babe."

And we kiss each other goodbye.

The next day, he came and stopped in front of my house to pick me up in an Audi TT Roadster

He klaxon, it was very loud cause you know it was still dark and everything sounds loud in the Dark.

"Darcy Amilton, would you do me the honor of spending the weekend with me in the Beautiful Lake house, i'm just asking the most beautiful girl to be by my side?"
He screamed

"I will honk triple if yes and once if you say no."

I blasted my apartment door open then it close after me by itself and I screamed "Yes, yes, yes" while running towards him in the car with my travel bag in my hand then he did exactly as he said, honk triple. One of the neighbors opened her window and said

"Don't you have nothing to do? it's 5 in the morning assholes. "

"Shut up, Karen."
He responded

And we start to laugh.
He opens the top of the car to let in a refreshing summer breeze as we travel to the lake house. Regardless of the temperature, the sun is out, and a winding road is in front of us. He started to pique my interest, enjoying the moment with my eyes close.

The next thing I know, he suddenly stops the car, and I ask while opening my eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Just waiting for the gangs, they coming going to be fun, right?"
He dares say while chewing his gum.

"What? I thought..."
Then he interrupted me

"Lucas, why did you let him bring all of those shit on a trip?"

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