Chapter 15 - The kidnapping

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POV: Two random guys were playing dice game across the street 6 blocks away from where Brayden's family are located.

Random guy with a Spanish accent “hahaha, I got you there”

And the other one respond “whatever bro, another round, I'll bet 1,000 on that outcome”

The first guy with the same accent “ Are you sure Shawn?“

“Yes Bernard, but one condition. Let me roll” responded Shawn

“As you wish” Bernard simply replied

Shawn rolled, and he won, Shawn was happy. He started screaming and jumping in the street.

“Seems like luck is finally turning in my favor now” He said

“How did you have to cheat to beat me? It's not fair, you know. How'd you do it” asked Bernard

“Isn't it sweet to taste the fruit of your own medicine, that's karma bitch”

“What do you mean? I won fair and square” stated Bernard

“Are you sure? Empty your pockets”

“Jaja, there's nothing on my pockets. You just took everything I had”

Shawn trying to mimicking his nervous laugh “Jaja, stop the cap Bernard I knows what you know, like you Don't want to show me your trick, I ain't going to show you shit either because a magician never revealed his secrets.“

Suddenly, Bernard's phone rings.

“It's the boss” he said

“What are you waiting for? Don't let him wait”

Then he picked up. “Hello Boss”

“¿Ya tienes su ubicacion? ( Do you have his location already?)“ asked the boss

“No, todavia no, pero creo que tendra que irse a algun lado tarde o temprano (No, not yet, but I believe he's gotta go somewhere sooner or later)”

“Que Pasa? ¿ han estado alli Desde Ayer por la noche? ¿ El trabajo es demasiado difficil Para ustedes? O haganmelo Saber porque puedo enviar a Jhon ohora mismo (What happened, y'all been there since yesterday night, is the job too hard for ya'll or? let me know because I can send Jhon right now)”

“No,no,no Jefa, le Dare una respueta, solo Denas unas horos por favor” begged Bernard

Their boss say something to someone else while he is in his car.

“Donner leur un compte a rebous, apres le boulos seras a toi, je veut une response immediat, faits leur savoir, parce que je ne pas de temps a perdre” (Give them a counddown, after the job will be yours. I need an immediate answer, let them know. Because I don't have time to waste.)  Says the boss. He left his phone to Jhon while he exited the car.

“Tout de suit boss” (I'm on it Boss) responded Jhon. Then, the boss entered a casino.

“You guys have two hours to give a confirmation after that you guys know the rest.” He ordered Bernard and Shawn.

“Copy that!” and Bernard hangs up.

Bernard turn to Shawn and say while panicking " we don't have time to waste Shawn or they'll send Jhon here, and we don't want that, do we?"

“The last time we were with That French beast it didn't went well, we're almost got arrested and there was a lot of bodies in the ground our crew included a bunch of innocent, so no.” He added

“He's heartless this one. We don't want anything to do with him” stated Bernard with the same Spanish accent.

While working out alone, Brayden began kicking the bag while partially nude. His six-pack was drenched from sweat, and his flawless physique was highlighted by the sudden ringing of his phone.

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