Chapter 34 - We billionaire familly hold the power

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Rachel POV...

We were all here, whether it was my sister's and Brayden's family, it didn't matter that time was one. At least, we were trying to.

We have been a mess for the past couple of months, and each of us was scattered all over the world. If we stayed all together, this wouldn't happen. And it's not like we didn't know it was coming, but the real question was, when?

Anyway, it happened nothing we couldn't do about it, crying our eyes out would...

Hold on a second, why am I talking like he was dead? Bro, he just received a bullet through his arm and then dived into a coma for 2 weeks. It is of Brayden we are talking about, it about damn time for him to wake up cause he will never stay down whatever how hard he fell.

Anyway, we were all there sitting waiting for the nurses to bring some good news. Every day it is always the same. Being here talking, bringing positive energy and all that plus all the fans outside with candles on in the dark and in the morning singing, praying and dancing listening to music also waiting for some good news. Well, expect one person, Darcy she never wants to leave him alone, even for a second.

"wait....didn't it bring bad luck to open your gift before Christmas day?" I asked

They all started laughing.

"What? What's so funny? Unless what my mom sitting right next to me used to tell me was all lie"

"Well..." Rosee rambled

"No, no, no, I believed you" I exclaimed

They are beginning to laugh once again.

"You were a pain in my ass when you were little, never listened. That was my only way of keeping you away from opening the gifts before the day, even the one that wasn't yours" stated Rosée

"No she didn't?" rambled Grayden


Grace, Grayden, Rachel, Javi and me "hahaha"

"Lucky you, she stopped right after you told her, but not Brayden. Brayden as a child couldn't care less, one day he stay up all night trying to catch Santa in the act and he did caught him but it was his dad with the fake beard, hair and the Santa cloths on" stated Grace

"I bet he will still do this at his age" added Javi

"I'll pay to see that" I exclaimed

"You and him will make a good team cause you guys aren't different from each other" continued Javi

"She is just a girly version of Brayden" says my Mom

"Am I? I mean the reason why I looked up to him as my idol just before I knew he was going to be part of my family, I knew we got a lot in common and he proved me right when we met, by teaching each other things we couldn't see in the same eyes...I'm telling you now guys we need to do something with the prob we are enduring. We can't just stay hidden while him and her were out there fighting for us, and that almost cost them their lives. And God knows that I would lose it If the two people I admire the most was dead...Before you guys my life was completely different, I felt Like there was a void and that I was missing something but now that you are all here I feel complete."

I smile and continue "Brayden Change the way, I look at my sister like someone who was only care about herself but it wasn't true at all, she is always there for me when I need her even if she is always late"

They smile.

"It's no doubt that Brayden's influence on her is something incredible. She has become more badass than ever" I continued

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