Chapter 9 - The insatiable and the perfect stranger

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The richest family in town welcomes a stranger wearing a black mask. He opens the safe and takes everything he needs from the computer inside before locking it back and making it appear as though no one was there. He then tries to leave without drawing attention, but he is discovered by Sandy, the eldest daughter of the family who owns the house, who is also a well-known journalist, according to Beautika. In that scene, she was sexy as hell, only wearing a bikini. The stranger froze as she barricaded the door and stood in front of them simultaneously.

Sandy, "Hello, perfect stranger. As you can see, there are two ways out of here, but let me explain. either you drop the USB and I'll let you go or you fuck me then I'll let you leave with everything,"

Brayden Break Character " Wait, wait, wait, was that part of the line? I remember it was ' I will take off all my clothes and she let me go with the USB'. What kind of pornhub is going on here?"

I respond, " Well, either way, you are going to be naked, I think it's a good improvisation. That's exactly the tension I want in this scene. Imagine the person who was behind everything, or rather, the person we believe to be the real bad guy in that story. She pretended to visit her family, but in reality, she came after the same thing that you, the stranger, had in that computer. When she was about to act, you caught her doing it first, so now the insatiable Sandy, still in the mood after fucking her sister boyfriend, was going to ask that perfect stranger for another round. In exchange, she would give you what she came after and what she most desired, but that would not last long because she would soon realize that sometimes love is better than revenge. She put her mission on hold and now her new goal is to find the person who was that.

"The story is well known to me, but why the abrupt shift?" he enquired.

"Yeah, I just realized I changed a lot, but this is for the sake of the movie. This is what I was looking for, " I stated

"Okay, so I can also improvise, right?"

"Go ahead, give me your best short buddy,"

"Sorry Brayden, for letting my urge get in the way instead of just going as in the script," said Beautika while she smirked

"It's okay, I got it. Tu meurs d'envie de coucher avec moi, n'est ce pas?" he asked in French

"Evidement," she responded in French as well

"Et moi, ma mission c'est de m'en enpecher de tomber dans ta temptation. I will do all it takes. "

"you are welcome to Try," she responded

I really enjoyed what was happening on set today, so I did not wait a minute and gave them the go-ahead to continue with the "1, 2, 3... action."

Stranger Additionally, I will give you two choices: either you close your eyes and act as though nothing happened, or we will have to handle this the hard way.

In an attempt to frighten him a little, Sandy abruptly removes a gun from her back and points it downward.

"Are you threatening me?" Ask the evil princess, and the stranger didn't answer.

"That's what I thought. Let me clarify that I came for the same thing as you, which is the information that was in that computer; it is worth millions, and I am trying to protect it. Trust me, I am not the type of girl who gets intimidated so easily. You should ask my mafia dad, the one you are stealing this from, I am worse than him."

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