Chapter 6 - I'll follow you till you love me

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4 years later...

Brayden --)

As I was leaving the set to head to my favorite coffee shop, I noticed that someone had been following me. She had a camera and was wearing a headscarf similar to that of a Muslim. I was taking a break from filming one of my projects called "No Escape Plan." When I entered, the person found a spot to sit outside waiting for me. I did nothing but pretend that I didn't see anything.

In a few minutes, I ordered my coffee and then pretend to forget something, there was a beautiful Barista so I ask her to put a hold on my order and also to keep an eye on the stuff that I left on my habitual spot. She accepts and even winks at me.

I headed outside and when I got halfway I stop for a second then I make a U-turn the person who was following me turned quickly and find a spot to sit I walk up to her and say "What exactly do you want me to do so you can stop following me?"

The random girl looks at me up and down she ignores me

Then I sit on an empty seat behind her, and then I say, "Stop with the play, Darcy. I know it's you."

When she finally takes off her mask, it turns out that it is really her.

"Why do you always recognize me every single time I followed you?" she asked with a perfect smile on

"Well, I know you better than you think," I responded

She leaves her seat and comes close to me while asking, "Like what? What do you know about me, I wasn't aware of that, you know?"

I whisper, drawing nearer still, "Like your perfect height." I approach her a little bit closer, but this time it is sufficient. As our lips meet, she whispers, "Did you just mention that I am short? Size lives matter,"

"Technically, you are the one who said it, but I did say perfect, that means I like it no matter how high you were,"

"Hey, I know I was just joking," says Darcy

For a quick second, I was looking around at the fans shouting my name on the other side of the street she suddenly grabbed my face so I could focus on her. Instead, on her and her only.

"What else makes you recognize me other than my height?" she whispered

"Let's say that there is something from you that attracts me each time toward you no matter how many miles you were from me."

Our lips touched once again, but we did not go along with it.

"Like a magnet," she rambled

"Exactly, and there's so many more... this one is obvious anyone could've seen it," I added


"Your hair is still the way I left it this morning,"

We started to laugh

She suddenly starts touching her hair to see, "It's not that messy, is it?"

"Believe me, it is." Just too annoying her

Darcy "UGH, I received an unexpected call today to come to work, so I didn't have the time to fix them all,"

"If they called you to go to work, what are you doing here then? Please don't tell me I am your guess for today that's why you were filming me?" I was just curious.

Darcy smiled and responded, " No, I just wanted to see you before I go. That's all, I do not care if I'm late. Besides, I wasn't even supposed to work today. "

"Your hair is about to get messier than it was cause I want you here and right now," I said

"Not more than I, but here?"

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