Chapter 25 - It wasn't a lie either

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Brayden pov...

We enter a private room with the president and try to explain everything.

"Not going to lie, that was smart...and now because of me, they have the green light to go after your family." Says the president

"Don't worry about that. we move them just right after Brayden accept that position. Even us don't know where they are right now, " added Grayden

"Yeah, it's safer like this till everything is under control," stated the president

"Now sir, don't tell me that you came straight from DC to here just in 2 hours. Right after you have heard of that, " i said

"Not really, I was on my way to Senegal, and when I heard the news, i ordered them to change our coordinate and to come here since we we were like 2 hours to UK."

"So what is the deal with senegal?" Asks Grayden

"Let say that they have something really important to sign up, and it's about the UNESCO thing going on and why not staying longer there for a little break from work,"

"Since you're cancel it because of me, I am a little concerned, when are you going back?" I asked

"It's not that important, well it is but it's not my top priority right now maybe I'll reschedule for 2 days from now...I got more important things here with the prime minister, where the hell is he by the way?"

All of a sudden, Michelle got in the room.

"Gentlemen, sorry to interrupt you, but the prime minister is here,"

"En parlant du loup on voice sa queu,"(Talking of the devil he shall appears) stated Grayden

The president suddenly gets up and then heads outside, and we're all following him.

"Hey friend, here you are,"

"Mr. The president, I am also delighted to see you too. I'm also sorry for not being there at your what are we doing?"

"Well, nothing for now. Everything is going to be decided tomorrow. Why don't we just get inside? I'd like to have a few glasses of wine. "

"Good idea, tomorrow we are going to know if we are going to war against each other or not, but tonight let's celebrate our forever partnership," exclaimed the prime minister

"Don't be silly, that's not going to happen, let just wish you or the United Kingdom doesn't have anything to do with all of that,"

"I hope." He simply replied to what the president just suggested

Then Nicholas came and told me something on my ear, and he kept on going but Louder this time.

"And also Vicxa is in the recovery room she would like to see you, Sir."

Without saying a word, I moved to go in my room.

"Mr. Prime minister and Mr. The president, Brayden, sends his respect, and he will be back shortly. " Sighed Grayden, and they nodded.

"Getlemen, everything is ready. Please follow me, " Favreau asked them.

I got in my room as quick as I can and was about to shut the door behind me then I remember Nicholas was right behind me, I stop, taking a glance at him behind and say "get in"

He did as I said, and I closed the door after he entered.

"You can come out now," I rambled, then my friend Chico came out, but started to freak out as soon as he saw Nicholas.

"Don't be afraid, man, he knew all along, and he is with us,"

"Wait... he was the one behind the mask all along?"

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