Chapter 27 - Tell the truth now, Over.

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Grayden POV...

We were all gathered in the same room early the following day, the one where we question all of the nation's representatives. However, this time, it turned out that the president was not really buying what the prime minister had confessed to us, pretending that he was not the one behind all of this, so he called him in for another meeting, or perhaps we should call it an interrogation.

He called Brayden, walked over to a corner with him, and they began to converse while the prime minister and we both waited patiently.

I had no idea what the situation was at the time. After a while, when they had finished speaking, they returned, and the next thing I knew, the President had sent Brayden inside, where he was simply standing and listening to what was happening inside.

"Prime Minister, how many times have Black Face performed in the UK since you took over this place?" asked Brayden the opening query.

"Only once, April 20th, 2013. And This was the only time I knew that he was here, and it was under my order, just right after he also asked to stay here only for 3 weeks...he said that it was for a diplomat purpose only"

"Did you accept his request just because you wanted to , or you did since he has a diplomatic license with the United Kingdom?"

"Don't say it like we were the only country that gave him a pass,"

"Well, I never said that. My question was very specific. Just respond at my question, please: "

"No, we say that he can only stay here for a week, not more than that," the prime minister stated

"Well, that was the same time he disappeared for the last decade, right?" Asked Brayden, and he nodded

"Right, and till we heard him reappeared out of nowhere, here in united Kingdom again, the last country we saw him last, is that a coincidence?" Add Brayden

"Come straight to the point, please. Are you insinuating that we were hiding him?" Asks the Prime minister

"I didn't say that. Don't try to put words on my mouth."

The president, regrettably, stopped me when I attempted to enter the room after noticing that the object was becoming heated.

"Now that you want me to come straight I will, I think that you didn't only give him permission to stay here for 3 weeks but after the 3 weeks passes, he choose to stay longer but one of you who was in control who has balls choose to chase him down." Exolained Beaten

"That person choose to not let him slide, but he quickly pulled the card on you, treating to tell the world the UK darkest secret. But you guys were smart enough to make Patrick step down as foreign secretary after being convicted of sexual assault and kidnapping, that wasn't enough you guys leaked a few videos of Favreau going through the ambassy with a mask on so it can look like someone broke in the ambassy, when you was the one who give him the idea, he thinks that it was a joke for April Fools but the truth is you tricked him" he added

I have watched the video, but I never understood why he was discussing Favreau in this way; I was unaware that there was actually more to it than that. I turned to face Favreau after hearing Brayden tell it like it was. I was shocked. He lowered his head as soon as he noticed me staring at him.

This sudden rage is coming from the prime minister. He stands up and says, "How dare you, if you keep going, I promise you that it's not going to stay there."

"Are you threatening us?" Brayden Rambled

"I'm just saying cause you are going too..."

"Prime minister, sit down, please. If not, you are going to regret this"

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