20. Symphony

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"I will not talk."

"My wife wants to know a few things and, for your own sake, you would tell the truth," he stays silent, he is a trained spy, and he will not crack, easily.

Kai sits beside me and I whisper in his ear for him to not talk, we look at our phones, watching the hours pass by. After a long time, "You guys are not intimidating." he claims

"I know, I am not." I retort

"Is this good cop, bad cop because it is not going to work."

"It's a bad guy and his wife." he chuckles "You either killed my little girl or you know who did. I am not a big torture person but I have learnt a few techniques over the years. My favourites all involve fire." taking a bit of petrol, I pour it on his foot before throwing a lit match on it.

He starts screaming, the smell of burning flesh is something I will never get used to nor do I want to get used to it.

Aiming the fire extinguisher at his foot before pressing down on the handle and watching the fire dwindle as the powder hits it.

"Hamza, I am a good person, I will believe you, I just need to know if you killed my little girl."


"To stop the pain, Hamza." the look of fear in his eyes as I hand the pliers to Kai, tells me he knows how bad things are going to get. "I am not good at pulling fingernails but my husband is."

Kai positions himself, Hamza can not see him but I can. I would rather break him mentally but I do not have the patience for it or the urge.

"Did you kill my daughter?" he keeps his mouth shut and I nod causing Kai to pull his nail out, he pulls his lip between his teeth and bites down, sweat dripping from his skin, he can barely stay in the seat.

"You bitch!"

"The pain will drive you insane," he takes a few breaths and calms down, sitting still "I met a lovely lady who goes by Lira, she told me about her son who was about to start primary school and he is a bright boy, it would be a shame for him to go through what you are going through."

"You wouldn't."

"She would."

"Who were you with when you killed my daughter?" he keeps quiet, a nod and another fingernail is gone "Do you think your son will be able to handle all this pain?"

"Leave him out of this!"

"Maybe I should burn his face instead of his foot."

"He is a child!"

"So was my little girl!"

"It was a mistake."

"Killing my child or missing the shot?"

"I did not mean it,"

"Hamza, who were you with?"

"I do not know their names. I did not meet them, I promise."

"What can you tell me?"

"We were hired by a government agency."

"Which one?"

"American." FBI or CIA.


"Probably. That is all I know."

"Thank you for that Hamza."

"Will you leave him alone?"

"No. An eye for an eye."

"You will regret this,"

"We won't." Kai pours the entire canister of petrol on him "Any last words?"

"Fuck you!"

"You wish you could!" with a bitter smile, I throw the lit match onto his lap and before we leave his house, he is already screaming.

"Do you think he is telling the truth?"

"I don't know. Where are we going?"

"I hear Bali is beautiful this time of the year."

"You sure?" Indonesia is filled with many beautiful memories of life before the CIA and while it may be beautiful, memories can be haunting.

We had a great life in Bali, Kai had a job that he could come back home from, Khanyi had friends and was alive and I had my family, my husband, my child and our dog, the perfect life.

He chartered the jet under aliases, Sibo created a fake manifesto and a friend of ours was going to be the pilot. We just had to make it until tomorrow evening.

Hopefully, the CIA is not already looking for us. We made it into our hotel room and I wanted a shower before anything else.

"I'm going to shower, you want to join me?" I ask as I take off the clothes that have the stench of flesh clenching to them

"I would love that," he says getting off the chair and taking off his clothes.

We lather up before rinsing off together, I wrap my arms around his neck and he joins our lips, water rinsing the remaining soap off our skin and hair.

I pull away and pull my lip between my teeth as I stare at the man I love, my partner in crime and the man I love to fuck. He pushes his hair out of his face.

"We are going to have to cut the hair."

"I'm thinking of also shaving my beard."

"You should do that." he nods "Are we doing matching buzz cuts or do you not want to look like me?"

"I am always trying to look as ravishing as you so if you go buzz, I pray I look as beautiful as you."

"You will look great, I promise."

"You want to fetch the clippers?"

"You want me to do it?" have I cut his hair before? Yes but it is still nerve-wracking

"I trust you."

We dry ourselves out of the shower and he sits down on the chair first. Making for braids, I cut the ponytails before I get the clippers and start styling the hair.

Cutting my hair always felt tragic, I always hated doing it but this time, I am excited, and happy to have short hair so I can grow it again because I hate having short hair.

"I am going to need new wigs."

"We can go shopping when we get to Bali." a nod and he continues cutting at my hair.

For the first time in fifteen years, I am going to have short hair.


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