40: Yellow

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He hands me a bowl filled to the brim with grapes before he gets under the covers.

"Have you started on your vows?"


"You still have some time to start."

"I do."

"So we can do a beach renewal?"

"I will think about it."

"Okay, I need ideas, Mr Ludwig."

"I will make a PowerPoint presentation."

"I will too and we can go over them together." he chuckles

"I was joking."


"But we should make PowerPoint presentations." a smile on my face as he agrees to have some old-person fun with me.


Lounging on our deck, a book next to me and a cocktail next to it. My husband is also enjoying the sun and massaging lotion onto my skin.

Daniel and Juanita have life jackets on, in case they go overboard.

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if my babies were still here with us. How they would tease us for showing affection, how they would be tired of us, tired of me, I wish they were here to experience the overflowing love I have for them.

We planned to go back after a week but we were having more fun and we could not bring ourselves to head back just yet.

"We should go back."

"Another day?"

"We could stay another week at most."

"Then we will go back. I like how quiet it is here. I can think."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Your birthday, our vow renewal, the future, the present."

"I think about you."

"You always think about me."


"So that is not special."

"Take that back, you are extremely special to me."

"Okay, okay, I take it back but is being here not peaceful."

"It is, Being here with you is extremely peaceful for me, where you are happy, I am happy."

"You need to stop making me blush."

"Never. Now let me get back to making my PowerPoint."

"Don't let me distract you." Laughter escapes his chest.

We spent the week enjoying the sun, the ocean, the whales, the sharks and each other. We headed back to land and I immediately began planning the vow renewal around the PowerPoint that he made.

He does not want a lot of people at the renewal but he does want to have a big party for the reception. The entire town is invited to the reception, the renewal is for us and a few friends.

The renewal will happen at the beach and the reception will take place at town hall. We want everyone who would love to attend to be able to attend.

The leftovers from the wedding will be donated to charities around town and to the neighbouring towns.

After the reception, we will spend a few months here making sure we leave everything in order before we begin our travels.


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