24. Stay

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A party, home, sex, and dark. Now I wake up in the dark, my hands tied and so are my feet, I am in a box of some sort.

"Hello?" hoping for an answer and I get none. I think I have been kidnapped. "Hello!"

Time goes by and I find myself tired and falling asleep.

The cycle continues and all I see is darkness and I am craving sunlight. I keep screaming and it is as though no one hears me and I am sure a few days have passed but I am not sure how many because I barely know how long anything is anymore.

How long will I stay in this tiny box, I can not move my hands, there is not enough room to do much but turn. I can hear the blood rush in my body, hunger in my stomach, and the thirst in my body. What a weird way to kill someone.

I get woken by the box being opened, the industrial light blinds my eyes and I immediately drop to the ground.

"Mrs Ludwig, I am so sorry, we wanted express shipping but how express, is express." I am in a bed, tied with leather cuffs attached to chains, I am wearing clothes that are not mine and I am starting at a person I have never seen before. "I am Mrs. Liliana Petrov."


"We were going to kill you when I had the brightest idea, what if you killed your husband?"

"You are crazy."

"Exactly what Anya said."


"Anya, she said that there is no way that you were going to harm him but here is the kicker, you will not be doing it out of your will, we are going to hypnotize you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Our scientists have developed a chip that allows us to send impulses to the brain. We can tell your brain to kill him."


"We already put the chip in, we just want to see if it will work."

"So I am your test dummy."

"Yes. Now, I am going to send someone who will take care of you until you are strong enough to kill him." she walks out, smug as hell, and rightfully so. How am I going to stop her if I can not control my mind?

A young girl, probably nine or ten walks in with a tray of food.

"Mrs Petrov said that it is not poisoned." a nod from me, she undoes one of the cuffs before she makes her way out of the room, leaving me with a plate full of food and an unopened bottle of orange juice.

I got three meals and a snack every day for a week before she came into the room again.

"Just came to make sure you are not dead. It's good that you are eating, you are going to need it."

"What for?"

"Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise," she says before leaving me in the room.

To pass the time, I daydream about Kai and I being different people, knowing different people and going to different places.

I wonder how he is doing. Did he forget about me? He should. I do not think I am leaving here anytime soon.

Narrator's POV

With white walls, a king-sized canopy bed way too big for her body, she lay, chained unable to do more than turn. She often thought of killing herself, ending it all before she hurt him like they wanted her to. She would rather never see him again than hurt a hair on his body.

In his world, it has been two weeks since he lost his reason to live. For the first time, in thirty-two years, he had suicide ideation. He wanted to find her, to be angry, to be fierce, to be strong, to be manly but he could barely get out of bed or out of his head.

Everything hurt, looking, breathing, feeling, tasting, thinking, none of it made sense without her. He still has not told a soul about her kidnapping, he thinks if he avoids talking about it, it will be less than reality.

"She is coming back," he whispers to himself as the tears stream from his eyes to his ears. "She is coming back," he says every day, all day for two weeks. His mouth has not had a taste of food for two weeks, all he can stomach is water, but he barely drinks it.

While she is chained to a bed by cuffs, he is chained to their bed by memory, the last place he saw her.


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