Chapter Two - Wondering Hands

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I was sitting in bed reading, as it was one of my favourite things to do - when I wasn't busy hanging out with my friends. I loved having a novel in my hands, and the feeling of having the paper beneath my fingertips as I turned the pages. Weirdly enough, I even enjoyed the smell of books.

I was too absorbed in my current read to hear my bedroom door opening and footsteps on my floor, till someone's body collided into mine. It sent my book flying out of my hands, which had me letting out a massive shriek.

I shove the person off and take in the appearance of my best friend with a giant smile on her small face.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Em? I swear you're always trying to give me a goddamn heart attack!" I growl.

"You should have seen your face!" Her tiny body shakes with her laughter.

I try to hold back my smile and fail badly. "You think you're so funny, don't you? Keep laughing, and I won't be held responsible for what I may do."

"Oh, don't get your panties in a twist. Come on, we have to get ready for this party." She sprawls herself across my bed, letting her head hang over the edge.

The girls were dragging me to Finn's party tonight knowing that I wasn't looking forward to going, but that didn't stop them from making me go. The two of them loved to go to these parties, and always got drunk off their asses.

It's not that I hated them so much, it was just the fact that I didn't like being around a bunch of drunk rowdy guys, who always liked to act like a bunch of assholes to the girls that were there. I went to one every once in a while with the girls and occasionally had a good time.

Hopefully, tonight was one of the good ones.

"Alright, where is Olivia?" I ask, grabbing my book that fell to the floor, putting it on my nightstand.

"She should probably be here shortly," When she's done speaking, Olivia appears in my doorway.

"What are you guys doing just sitting there? Get up and get ready you two," she commands.

I salute her, following Emma over to my closet and watching her root through my clothes, throwing them all over the place.

"Ah, Ha!" she shouts, "This would be the perfect thing for you to wear," she shoves a little black dress into my hands.

"How the hell is this, the perfect thing for me to wear?" I look at her exasperated. It had to be on the shorter sides of dresses. It would maybe reach an inch - or two - down below my bum. "I'll be flashing everyone at the party," I groan.

"Calm down, you will not. Did you not notice half the things other girls wear to parties? This is good compared to some." She smiles, making me sigh.

She may have had a point, but I wasn't used to wearing something so revealing. I knew there was no point in arguing with her though because once she set her mind on something, there was no taking her off it.

"Okay, it's decided. Let's get this show on the road!" Olivia cuts in.


Walking through the doors of Finn's house showed that the party was already in full swing. On the walk to the door, we already witnessed a person getting sick in the bushes outside, and a person passed out on the front lawn. In the house, it wasn't much better. People danced in the living room and plastered themselves against each other.

"This party is already wild," Olivia says, standing in her green off-the-shoulder dress, looking around the place.

It was true. You could tell that half the people here were already way past being sober. Quite a few people were lingering in the hallway and by the stairs making out with each other. Giving everyone else who was at this party a free show.

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