Chapter Thirty - Making Plans

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** This chapter has been edited.

** If there is anyone who likes to do Covers for books feel free to make me one if you'd like. I am always looking to have new covers! xo

The rest of the week went by pretty quickly. I spent most of my time with the girls, Luke, and Ben. Including the rest of our friends from school. The rest of the guys were relieved to see that Luke and I were finally together - if their catcalls and full smiles were anything to go by.

          The moment we stepped out from Luke's car the following day after our date - he clasped my hand in his, giving me a cute grin; it didn't go unnoticed by the people around us. By the time we saw each other again, joining our friends at the table we usually sat at, the whole school was whispering about our new relationship. It seemed that was the only thing anyone would talk about, but I ignored it the best I could. Having Luke at my side helped me out.

          It was finally Friday, and I was excited for the game happening tonight. It was the last game before March break was starting. So we had this weekend, a whole week, and the following weekend to be free from school. Something that I was extremely happy about.

          The whole school day was full of people chatting excitedly about the game and the upcoming break. There were parties being planned, friends making plans, and just all out excitement. It was contagious and I found myself being excited like everyone else.

          The only thing that put a slight damper on my happy mood, was the fact that our parents were back. Something I didn't think was going to happen for a while. Usually, they wouldn't show up so early after already being home; it was out of the norm. It made me wonder why they were here, but I managed to avoid them for two days so far. I was hoping the game tonight was going to help me make it another day.

          I was currently in my room getting ready for the game. I made sure to pull on Luke's dark blue and white jersey - it was little big for me but I didn't mind. He dragged me to his locker during lunch, grinning the whole way, and pulled it out before handing it over to me. When he told me to put it on, I did so and the smile he wore was worth it. When we made it back to our lunch table, everyone was stunned to see me wearing it, including my brother who was shocked the most.

          The girls got over it quickly, gushing over me, which made my cheeks heat up. It wasn't hard to see the scowl on Alexis' pretty face from the next table over, but she never said anything. It seemed she was finally taking the hint, backing off and leaving us alone. The whole day nothing could wipe the huge smile on Luke's face and it was happiest I had ever seen him in awhile. Emma and Liv commented on it, saying they couldn't believe how happy he looked. This, in turn, made me happy too, sending butterflies swarming in my stomach.

          I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and pair of cute, low ankle boots to go with it. I knew we were probably going to end up going to the party that Finn was throwing after their game. I made sure to put some makeup on, not wanting to look sloppy. The girls were picking me up shortly, so I rushed around my room making sure I had everything I needed.

          Just as I was shoving my phone into my purse, there was a knock on my door. "Yes?" I called out, not really thinking about who would be on the other side.

          My door opened, revealing my mother's slim frame. "Faythe, can you come downstairs for a minute? Your father and I would like to speak to you."

          I stared at her a moment without blinking. "Dad's here? I thought he was out working?"

          She didn't speak for a moment. "He was, but he's home now. Will you come down when you can?"

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