Chapter Nineteen - The Girl

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** This chapter has been edited.

"Is he still not speaking to you?" Emma asks me.

           I let out a deep sigh.

           "No, he won't even look at me," I say just loud enough for her and Liv to hear me over the roaring of the crowd.

           We were currently seated in the bleachers at school. There was a home football game taking place, and even though Ben and I still weren't speaking, I wasn't going to miss out on one of his games.

           It's been days since the fight between Ben and Luke took place. I haven't spoken to either of them. I figured Luke would have tried to speak to me by now, but I was wrong, he hasn't made any effort to talk to me. It seemed as if we were back to where we started.

           This really sucked. My own brother not speaking to me, and the one guy who currently holds my interest didn't seem to be making any effort.

           "It will all work out, hon," Liv puts her arm around me. "He can't stay mad at you forever."

           I didn't know about that. They didn't know what Ben could be like. How long he could withhold from speaking to someone. One time, he went a whole six months of being pissed off at our father, never speaking to him unless our father demanded him too. Even then, he was cold when he did speak, not even looking at him when he spoke.

           "You guys live together. He will come around eventually. You just got to give him some time." Em says, "I could speak to him if you'd like me too?"

           "I don't think that's a good idea." I turn to look at her, "I know what he's like, and he will just lash out at you, you don't deserve that, especially with how you feel about him."

           She gives me a sad smile.

           "I may like your brother, but you were my friend first. I will speak to him if that would knock things into his thick skull."

           I can't help but laugh. "That's alright, probably better off if I resolve this thing myself. Besides, I'm the one who put myself in this spot anyway."

           "She's right. It wouldn't do you any good to get involved." Liv chuckles along.

           I was the one who did this, and I was going to take responsibility for it, even though it sucked. I hadn't meant for this to happen. Even though I knew when Ben found out, it wasn't going to be good. I still ignored those thoughts and did it anyhow. It just kept happening between me and Luke. There was something about him that made me weak when it came to him.

           "It's not like you guys did anything bad, really. You can't help who you like, it just happens, that's the way feelings are." She sighs, "They just demand to be felt."

           I knew she was talking about herself in this sense, too. I mean she had feelings for my brother. She was seeing firsthand what it could be like if I had had a problem with her and my brother liking each other.

           "I know, it's just shitty, this whole thing." I groan.

           "Things will work out, you'll see." Liv stares pointedly at us both.

           "Pshht, you be quiet, you. I see how in love you and Ethan are, making fùck me eyes at each other all the time." Emma smirks.

           Liv just grins wide, not even looking a bit flustered.

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