Chapter Twenty Five - Welcome Home

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**This chapter has been edited.

This week was off to a bad start from the very beginning. First, I got a call from my mom on Monday letting me know that she was planning to come home. Secondly, Ben managed to inform me this morning that dad was coming home. And, thirdly, they were both coming home the same day, which was going to make for a disaster.

          It was never good when my parents were both under the same roof. As I've said before, I didn't understand why they were still married - they hardly got along.

          Mom would usually end up drinking like usual, which started a fight between them. Dad didn't think it was appropriate for a "woman" to consume so much alcohol. All that proved to do, was make mom drink that much more, just to piss him off. It was all around disastrous. Something I wished to avoid but didn't have the option too.

          It was Thursday and they were both due home today. I was packing my things into my locker, dreading going home. I knew they would both be there when Ben and I got to the house.

          Shutting the door, I lean my forehead against the cool metal. The feeling was wonderful against my heated skin; cooling me off. I take a deep breath in through my nose and push it forcefully past my lips, mentally preparing myself for the night ahead.

          If I could make it past the first night, then I would be okay.

          It doesn't take me long to find Ben's car, as most of the parking lot was empty. I quickly flop myself down into his seat, mumbling out hello. He does the same, looking just as displeased as me.

          "This is going to be hell." Ben grunts, annoyed.

          I slouch down into my seat, dejected. "I couldn't agree more. Let's just hope they are only staying for a day or two, preferably a day – at the most."

          Ben let's out a snort. "That would be a miracle. I don't think we're that blessed."

          "A girl can hope," I mumble under my breath.

We both took notice of our parent's cars in the driveway, before slowly dragging ourselves out of our seats and into the house. Usually, we were quick to get home, but we took our time, dragging out precious minutes. Probably the only ones we would have, till they decided to take off again.

          I open the front door quietly, stepping out of the way to let Ben inside. Putting a finger to my lips, I silently tell him to keep quiet. He gives me a look of confusion before I moved to the stairs and he catches on. Grinning, he gives me a thumbs up.

          We didn't spot our parents yet, so I was hoping to sneak upstairs without them noticing us.

          Both of us silently shuffle towards the stairs, making it a couple steps, but Ben's foot stubs on the stair, making him stumble and bang his elbow on the wall. He looks over at me with panic in his eyes, mirroring my own. I flail my arms around, telling him to hurry up and run before they come to investigate what the noise was.

          Dammit, stupid Ben and his fat feet.

          "Oh, good, you two are home." My mother's clear voice comes from the kitchen.

          I glare at him, killing him with my eyes. "You just had to stub that fat foot of yours, didn't you?"

          He gives me a guilty look, gesturing to his legs. "Hey! I can't help how big my feet are. God made me this way for a reason. You know what they say, big feet, big-"

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