Chapter Twenty Nine - The Question

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**This chapter has been edited.

Luke, made a point of asking me in the car if I felt alright with eating before going to see a movie together. I told him it didn't make a difference to me. I mean, instead of stuffing ourselves with popcorn in the theatre and being full before dinner, it would make more sense to eat something first and then snack; if we were still hungry during the movie.

          Instead of picking somewhere that was ridiculously fancy, I was greeted with the familiarity of Junior's comfortable atmosphere and booths. I liked the fact that Luke knew I didn't want to be somewhere that was uptight - somewhere that screamed money.

          I knew Luke was more than capable of going somewhere expensive, but it showed that he was thinking of me and knew that I didn't like those who flaunted their money. Plus, I knew he didn't like to show that he had money. It showed from his personality. He was never one to brag about it. He may wear nice clothes and drive a really nice car, but he never went out of his way to make anyone feel less than him because of it.

          When I first saw his house, that was when I realized how much money he actually had. I always knew he came from well-off parents, but not that much. I mean, I wasn't exactly one to talk, but he was clearly richer than me.

          "I figured you would be more comfortable coming here," Luke says, taking in the small smile on my lips.

          We were seated across from each other in a booth near the corner of the room. It was more secluded, giving us an air of privacy, which I enjoyed. When we first walked in, I could feel the eyes of some girls following Luke. Not like I could blame them, he looked downright edible tonight, but I didn't want their eyes on us. I just wanted to enjoy his company.

          "You picked the perfect place." I glance up at him under my lashes.

          "I aim to please," He winks, a mischievous smile in place.

          God, that look alone could get a woman to drop their panties without even asking. That's how hot it was coming from him.

          Before I could reply to him, a waiter joins us, handing us some menu's - but even if she didn't, I had no response to that. Because I was sure he did aim to please, and I was positive he could achieve it. There was no doubt in my mind.

          "Hello, my name is Emily, I'll be your waiter for the evening. What can I get you guys to drink?"

          I didn't recognize the petite waiter, so she must have been someone new to Juniors. She seemed friendly, with a pretty smile. I also liked the fact that she didn't eye my date, but kept things completely professional. Some of the other waiters when we first came in, were among those that were checking out Luke.

          "I'll just take a Sprite, thank you."

          "And I'll have a coke." Luke rasps out.

          She writes down our drinks before telling us she will be back to take our orders, leaving us to ourselves.

          I take a moment to look around us, checking out the older couple across from us and the crowd of girls two booths down from us. It wasn't too packed here tonight and I didn't see anyone we knew from school. But this was a common place for people to come, so that wouldn't last long.

          "Worried about being seen with me?" Luke's voice brings me back to him.

          "I should be the one saying that to you, playboy."

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