Chapter Twenty Two - The Talk

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**This has been edited.

A/N - Hope everyone enjoys this new update! (:

It was officially the weekend, and here I was sitting in my room, reading a new novel, just wasting away the minutes. I had nothing better to do. I knew the guys had another football game, but I wasn't planning on going to it.

          For once, I just didn't have the desire to go to a game. Plus, there was the fact, that I was still pissed off at my brother for what he said about me the other day. I was avoiding him completely, and for me, the best way to do that was to skip out on the game altogether.

          I did everything I could the last week, to keep out of sight of Ben. I made sure the only time I had to be around him was during the drive to school. He took every chance he had to try and talk to me, but I kept silent, only answering him when he dragged it out of me.

          Glancing over in the direction of my nightstand, I check the time and see the bright red numbers glaring back at me, letting me know it was close to eleven o'clock.

          Ben was due to come home anytime. The game had to be over by now, if, he didn't decide to go straight to the party afterwards. Even though I was mad at him, I was hoping that they took a win. Lately, they haven't been doing so well, with the tension between them, it was no wonder they couldn't win a game.

          Almost as if I summoned him, there were footsteps on the stairs, before they led to the bathroom in the hall. The shower flicked on, and the sound of water reached my ears.

         About fifteen minutes later, there was a knock on my door and Ben's, dark, wet hair pokes into my room. One look at his sombre face and I knew I wasn't going to be getting rid of him that easily.

          "Hey, sis, you busy?" He says, glancing over the novel in my hands.

          "A little," I say, tipping my book in his direction.

          Instead of taking the hint and leaving, he opens my door wider, pushing his way further into my room. It was safe to assume, he wasn't planning on leaving now.

          "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He runs his fingers over my hanging necklaces, making them clink together, softly. He was avoiding my stare.

          "I guess so..."

          I clear my throat after a minute, to gain his full attention. The least he could do was pay attention to me and not his surroundings, he was the one who wanted to talk to me in the first place.

          "Sorry," he coughs nervously, looking at me once again. "I was just looking to apologize after what happened the other day. I know it's taken awhile, but you haven't exactly given me a chance to talk to you."

          "Okay." I go back to reading my book, dismissing him.

          "Come on, Faythe, I said I'm sorry, more than once now."

          He was getting agitated if his voice was anything to go by. I look up to see him messing up his hair. "Well, you can't blame me for not wanting to forgive you, Ben. What you did, was a really shìtty thing to do."

          I was getting annoyed myself. How could he think I could just forgive him as simple as that? Maybe I could have, if he hadn't of embarrassed me in front of the whole table, making me feel as if I was some girl, who was easy.

          He lets out a deep sigh, sinking down onto the end of my bed, letting his head hang down, with defeat written all over his stature. "I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that Luke was just going to use you. You know what he's like, sis, you've seen how he is with other girls, he may be my best friend, but I'm not blind, either."

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