Chapter Thirty One - Breath of Fresh Air

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** This chapter has been edited.

It wasn't long after we made solid plans to go to the cabin, that Luke and I called it a night. He drove me home and we said goodnight with a kiss. I wished he could have joined me, but with my parents home, it wasn't possible to sneak him in. I longed to fall asleep in his arms again.

          He promised to pick me up in the morning before he left. The plan was for everyone to meet up at Finn's place, then we would follow him to his cabin - where we would stay until Tuesday.

          Ben showed up shortly after I was home. Instead of me broaching the subject of staying at the cabin, we came up with the idea that it would be better for him to talk our parents into letting us go. At first, they determined that it wasn't a good idea for us to be out somewhere without parents supervision. It was then, Ben, made a point of how we spent all these years at home without their supervision and we made out just fine.

          After that comment, they finally gave in and said we could go.

          We both spent the rest of the night getting our things together for the morning. I knew I was more than likely going to sleep on the ride over to the cabin, so I wasn't too worried about being up late getting ready.

          My alarm woke me up in the early afternoon. I got myself ready, pulling on a light pair of shorts and an old AC/DC t-shirt. I threw my hair up into a high ponytail, before putting on some light makeup. Once I was satisfied with my appearance, I hauled my baggage downstairs, leaving it at the door.

          I was eating my cereal when Ben finally joined me. His brown locks were dishevelled, going in every direction but flat.

          "Nice hair," I snicker.

          "Shut it, sis." He rasps, voice still laced with sleep.

          He helps himself to his own bowl of cereal, taking a seat across from me. "Ready for today?" I ask.

          "Yeah." He rubs the heels of his hands over his eyes.

          "You plan on bringing anyone to this little vacation?" I ask, trying to appear casual.

          I was hoping he wasn't planning on bringing a girl along with him. Then maybe, he and Emma could get closer during this vacation. It didn't seem like there was anything going on between the two of them, and if there was, they were really secretive about it.

          "Nah, didn't plan on it." He says.

         Inside I was ecstatic about his answer, but I didn't bother saying anything to him - choosing to keep quiet.

          We ate in silence for awhile until there was a knock on the front door. I could hear our mother greeting the person at the door. A moment later, Luke steps into the kitchen and makes his way over to the two of us.

          "Hey, you guys ready to go?" He nods in our direction.

          "Yeah, I'll follow you two over," Ben tells him.

          The plan was - for anybody who was bringing their vehicle - to follow Finn to the cabin. He gave the guys some directions last night, just in case, and programmed the address into their phones, but they figured it would just be easier to follow him there. If we got separated, then we would use the address to find the place.

          We loaded our stuff into separate cars and we were on our way to Finn's place. We listened to music on the way over, just enjoying each others presence. I was content with Luke's hand in mine.

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