Chapter Thirteen - Visiting

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I was busy getting my books out of my locker. Wondering if I studied enough for the upcoming math test I had today. It wasn't one of my strong suits. I stressed enough about the tests I had. Never doing very good when it came to down it.

           Hoping that the studying that I did this week was going to be enough. I tried not to worry about it but always caught myself doing it anyway.

           I let out a sigh, grabbing the remaining books that I needed.

           The past week was quiet. I spent most of my time keeping myself entertained, and found my thoughts shifting back to where they usually did these days, to Luke. It was like I couldn't get my brain to listen to what I wanted. It was constantly betraying me, and going to thoughts of him.

           Ever since the kiss in the kitchen I haven't heard from him. To be honest he wasn't around the house as much either, which I thought was odd because after it happened he seemed to be fine. It wasn't like we fought after it. He didn't mention being bothered by anything.

           Well, not like he mentioned if something was bothering him anyways, so I guess it's not a stretch to assume he's keeping something to himself like usual.

           "You frown any harder and you're going to have permanent lines on your forehead, which is not sexy."

           I glance to my right, surprised to see Emma standing there with her hands on her hips.

           "When the hell did you get there?"

           "How the hell did you not notice me standing here?" She winks at me, leaning against the lockers beside mine.

           "I wasn't exactly paying attention to my surroundings."

           "So I've noticed. You got that look on your face again." she crosses her arms giving me a look, letting me know she wants me to spill it.

           I let out another sigh.

           "What's the one thing that always seems to be on my mind lately?"

           "Um, food?"

           Now it was my turn to scoff at her. "No, it's not food, but I don't blame you for thinking that." Lord knows that's something I like to think about all the time.

           She gives me a pointed look, and I smile at her sheepishly. I can't deny the fact that majority of my time my thoughts were on food. I just couldn't help myself.

           "Well, if it's not food then..." She scrunches her face up. "My second guess would be Luke." she finishes.

           "Your second guess would not be wrong."

           "What's so wrong that he's on your mind?"

           I watch the other students making their way around the halls for a moment. Not really knowing how to answer her.

           "It's not that it's a bad thing really, well maybe it is. Just because of the whole brother and being friend's thing, you know."

           "Did something happen that I'm not aware of?"

           "Yeah, kind of, the other day in my kitchen he made a move on me. He said he knew it couldn't go anywhere between us, but he couldn't control himself around me. He just kissed me after saying he had to have a taste of me. That he couldn't help himself, so it wasn't like he was upset."

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