Chapter Six - Games and Stars

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The rest of the week creeps by so slow, that I was worried I was going to go insane. I spent most of my time stuck in my room doing homework. The teachers this week had piled on assignments, after assignments. I didn't know what they were thinking it was going to accomplish, other than driving people to fail, for not getting it done on time.

           I used it to my advantage, making sure I did everything else other than letting my mind wander to thoughts about what Alexis, had said.

           Trying to not let what had happened to get on my mind, but every time I caught my mind going to that place, I would feel nothing but anger and sadness. Angry at what she had done, and sad because I had let it happen to me.

           "Are you planning on just sitting there and being mute the whole time?"

           Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I look over to my brother. I hadn't realized that we were sitting in silence. I was too absorbed in my mind.

           "Sorry, were you saying something?" I glance out the car window and see that we are already parked in our driveway.

           "I asked you if you were going to come inside." He looks me over for a minute before speaking up again.

           "Is everything alright with you, sis? You've been a little quiet lately."

           I stare back for a minute, seeing worry written all over his face, making his eyebrows dip low, and his lips turn down into a frown.

           Not wanting to see this expression on him, I quickly speak up, "I'm fine, just a little stressed out from all the homework I've been doing."

           "Are you sure?"

           I can see the doubt and I make sure to push it away, not wanting him to worry any more than he already does.

           "I'm positive, just got to get a little more sleep, and I'll be good." I give him a small smile, setting him at ease.

           "Okay, come on let's go inside." Hopping out of the car, I follow him inside, feeling better when I didn't have to talk about myself and my problems anymore.

I sit in the stands at the school, the girls on either side of me. We were currently busy cheering on our school football team. Our team had a game against an out-of-town school, which went by the name of Maverville Tigers. They were a solid team, it showed in their players and the skill of their plays.

           The boys were going to have to pick up the slack, or they were going to lose. I knew that wouldn't go over very well with their coach. I could just hear his loud voice now, telling them they needed to get their shit together and to stop acting like a bunch of pansies.

           "You think they're going to be able to win this?"

           I drag my eyes away from the field and over to Emma.

           "I hope so. I don't feel like listening to Ben if they don't. You have any idea how pissy he can be when they lose, which isn't very often. Thank god for that." I grimace.

           Anytime they would lose a game I had to deal with my brother being in a sour mood for a couple of days. It didn't happen very often, but when it did, I never forgot about it.

           "They look like they're played out. I don't know if they're going to be able to win this one." Olivia chimes in.

           I look back to the field, taking in the appearances of the boys. They seemed sluggish, which was making them fumble their passes. They were too slow on dodging the other team's advances.

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