Chapter Sixteen - Googly Eyes

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**This chapter has been edited.

A/N - The lovely cover attached is soo cute! They did a great job, all compliments to gracyeol.

I roll over in my bed, letting out a groan when I feel the throbbing ache between my eyes. Cracking them open proves to be a mistake - as the throbbing increases. I slam them shut as quickly as I can, letting out another long-suffering groan.

          My god, I felt like shit. I was really, regretting drinking last night. I totally blame Emma, and if I see her today, I was making sure to let her know.

          It was amazing how drunk you can get but still manage to remember everything. I might be suffering today from a hangover, but I wasn't having any trouble remembering everything from last night. This just made me wail out a little more.

          Now I was just partly embarrassed. Remembering, how I managed to throw myself all over Luke in the bathroom, like a cat in heat, definitely didn't make me feel especially good. I know that it didn't seem to bother him all that much. If anything, he seemed to be into it just as much as me. I wasn't sure though. Maybe I imagined it, but it didn't make me feel any less ashamed.

          I was never like that with guys. Hell, I've never even got that far with a guy before. Even if it was just a bit of kissing and fondling. It's still never taken place.

          "What in god's name, is that noise? It sounds like a dying animal."

          I crack open an eye and see Emma standing there with her hands on her hips. A confused expression on her face.

          "That's the sound of shame and misery, and it's your entire fault," I grunt, rolling onto my back.

          The bed bounces a little, as she plops onto the bed. She lays on her side, with her hand propping up her head.

          "That noise was coming from you? I seriously thought there was a wild animal in here."

          Giving her a glare and shoving her over, I make her land onto her back in a fit of giggles. Glad she was laughing at my expense - note the sarcasm.

          "I'm soo hungover right now." I sigh, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "What time is it anyway, and what are you doing here?"

          "Well, for your information, it's almost one. I came over to see if you were up to doing anything, but from the looks of you, you're not looking too good."

          "How are you fine? You had just as much as me to drink, and you don't seem bad?" I check her over. Taking in her black yoga pants and pink sweater. Maybe a little on the comfy side of wear, but she didn't look to be hurting any.

          "Just my fast metabolism and all that jazz. Plus, I'm used to drinking quite often, but you are not, on the other hand, you look quite terrible at the moment." She scrunches her face up.

          It was true. She did drink more often than me, and her metabolism was quite fast because I was always wishing I had a figure like her. She was slender in all the right places. Where I was more on the curvier side of things. I wasn't big, by any means, but I definitely wasn't as toned as she is.

          "True." I sigh.

          "Get your ass out of bed and take a shower, you stink!" Waving her hand in front of her nose, she snickers.

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