Chapter Twenty - Making Memories

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** This chapter has been edited.

A/N - The wonderful cover above is done by JaneConquestBackup, she did a wonderful job on this one, and the main cover for my story, check them out. Thank you very much.

          Also, I would like to say that this chapter has an explicit scene in it. It's not too bad, but for those of you who do not like this, I am warning you ahead of time. 

There was a time when my brother and I were younger, we spent a whole day not speaking to each other, to me that whole day felt like a lifetime. You know, when you're young, and for some reason, everything seems to last longer than it really is. The minutes feel like hours, and the hours feel like years. It's weird how things change, how, now, everything felt like it was in fast forward some days, and then others it felt like everything just ticks by slowly.

          That whole day when we were younger, was imprinted in my mind, it was the one and only day that we went without talking. I don't even remember what it was really about anymore. I just remember being devastated that he wouldn't speak to me.

          Now, it felt like everything was moving around us, time was moving forward, but Ben and I were at a standstill - maybe it was just me feeling this way - every time I would come home, there was silence. I mean this house already bothered me as it was, but when I got home, it's like everything stopped, there was just the silence of our house.

          I would close my eyes, wake up in the morning, and go to school all over again, that's when everything would resume - move forward. As long as I was home alone with my thoughts, things seemed to move at a snail's pace.

          Ben stayed out of the house most of the time lately, so it's not like I really saw him all that often. He wasn't home when I got to the house last night, after going to the party. I don't even know if he came home. I was hoping that eventually, things would go back to normal, well, at least as normal as can be after everything that's happened.

          I've been laying here staring at my ceiling for so long, that my eyes were starting to cross, but it's not like I had anything better to do at the moment. It was still a little early, and I only had plans with Luke later on.

          Letting out a sigh, I shift myself over onto my side, staring at my nightstand. The book I had been previously reading, sat there with the cover sticking out slightly from being held open for a long period of time - not quite able to lay flat again.

          A ping from my cell phone draws my attention to it. I reach out and take a hold of the thing, checking my messages.

          "What are you doing bb? You better not be laying there being all depressed on me." -  Emma

          She knew me too well. It was scary sometimes. There were times I thought she knew me better than I knew myself.

          "Are you stalking me?" I send.

          Another ping on my phone has me quickly reading her message. "Nooo.. if I was going to stalk someone, they would have to be male, and better looking than you. Sorry, but I only leave stalking for the really good looking ones."

          Letting out a laugh at this, I quickly reply.

          "I'm not at all surprised. I already knew you were insane, this just proves it even more."

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