Chapter Twenty Four - Shows and Girl Time

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**This chapter has been edited.

When I woke up this morning, it was the first time in a long time, that I didn't have anything to worry about. It was nice and refreshing. I slept like a baby and woke up feeling fully energized. Something I haven't been feeling lately.

          By the time I was already up and around the house, Ben and Luke were already leaving out the door. They planned on having a game of football with the guys, trying to get in some practice their games ahead.

          With the past two or so games having been lost, they were in need of a win - and soon. It was good to see that Luke and my brother were getting along. I knew the guys were going to be feeling the same way. There has been way too much tension between the guys and I knew they were going to be relieved that everything was somewhat what they used to be.

          Everything from last night was still fresh in my mind and it brought a deep sadness to me. I couldn't get the things that Luke told me out of my mind. To have someone you loved and cared about, treat you as if you were nothing but a punching bag, it was something I couldn't imagine.

          My heart aches for Luke and his little sister Isabella - especially her. She's too young to understand what's going on with her father, just wanting to be loved.

          I couldn't imagine how Luke felt about everything. He was constantly under the watch of his father, who waited for him to fail on a game, just so he could take his anger out on his only son.

          It brought thoughts of my own parents to the front of my mind. We might not be in the same situation, but there was no denying the similarities between us. Maybe that's what I noticed in Luke. That I could see past the false smile he showed everyone else around him. Because sometimes it was the same smile I put on for everyone else around me.

          Most of the morning I put my efforts into doing homework and cleaning the house because let's face it, no one else was going to clean it, except for me. After cleaning up the kitchen, I put most of my efforts into tackling the laundry, which, was on my long list of things I never wanted to do.

          I was sitting on the couch, folding the last two remaining articles of clothing, which consisted of Ben's chinos, a black and beige pair. I had nothing better to do and I was looking to get this out of the way.

          The sound of the door opening and closing gained my attention. When I glanced up after putting Ben's pants in the hamper, it was to see Emma standing there with her hands on her hips.

          "You have got to stop making this into a habit." She says.

          "What? Doing the laundry? Em, I don't know about you, but I don't want to walk around smelling like last week's garbage."

          "That's not what I meant. I mean this..." She motions with her hands around the room, "Next thing I know I'm going to find you doing puzzles."

          "Hey, there's nothing wrong with puzzles," I smirk.

          "Your vagìna must have already shrivelled up and fallen off by now. Jeeze, woman, you need to get out of the house or something. Next time I come see you, there might be an old lady in your place." Her lips curl up into a wicked grin.

          "My lady parts are just fine, thanks for asking." I give her a dry look. "I was just finishing up the laundry, I was running out of clothes to wear."

          Emma takes a seat beside me, getting comfortable. "I'm sure someone is taking extra care of it anyways." She winks. "Well, now I'm here and we can actually do something fun."

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