Chapter Twenty Eight - Wet Dream Come True

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** This chapter has been edited.

I shoved another ketchup Dorito chip into my mouth, munching away as I watched a new episode of Supernatural in the living room. I was excited that this season seemed to be getting good and maybe back to how things were in the beginning. Watching this show was my second favourite on my list of things to do - reading was the first.

          I was completely absorbed into the show and didn't take notice of someone standing behind our couch and to the side a little way until they spoke.

          "I was wondering where those went too." Ben's voice startles me and I swing around to glare at him.

          "Jesus, Ben, do you not have anything better to do than lurk around like a creep?" I growl.

          He grins wide. "Of course not, sis. I'll be taking these though," He leans over the back of the couch, snatching up my chips.

          "Hey! Hold on there!" I make a grab to take them back, but he dodges my out-stretched hand adeptly.

          I really hated how quick he could be sometimes. I blamed it on the football, and the fact he could out-run and dodge things quickly and efficiently. I wasn't so lucky in that department. I was lucky if I didn't fall on my face while running - it's happened before.

          "Mhmm..." He crunches on a handful of chips, loudly.

          "You're such a pig." I scrunch my nose up at him in disgust.

          "A guys got to eat."

          "Eat something else! Those are mine!" I make another move to grab them and he steps back, my hand missing the bag again.

          He laughs and points to the screen. "Aren't you missing your show?"

          Dammit, he was right. I was missing my show and all because he had to come and steal my chips on me. Sometimes I wanted to wring my brother's neck, and this was one of those times.

          I grab the remote for the t.v putting it on pause. I wasn't going to miss this episode just because Ben was being a douche-bag.

          "Why are you here stealing my chips again?" I ask, irritated.

          He happily crunches away. "I was looking for them and come in here to ask you, but that's when I noticed you were already helping yourself."

          "There are tons of other chips in the cupboard, go grab them and let me watch my show in peace." I give him a pointed stare.

          Walking around the side of the couch he plops himself down on it, sitting beside me. He takes his time making himself comfortable, by lifting his feet up and draping them across the coffee table and slouching into his seat.

          "No thanks." He grins.

          "If you're planning on sitting there, give me some of those." I grab a handful of chips and he lets me.

          "I heard you the other night, you know." His voice sombre all of a sudden.

          I turn my head from my lap to look at the serious expression on his face.

          "What do you mean?" I question.

          "I heard what you said to our parents. Thanks for having my back." He gives me a grateful smile.

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