Chapter Thirty Four - The Lake

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** This chapter has been edited.

We managed to find our way back from the hike. Finn thought it would be a great idea to play a prank on everyone. He acted as if he didn't know his way back after all; saying there was panic was putting it mildly. The girls who came along with the guys, went into full chaos, almost crying - it was a mess.

          It didn't take me and the rest of our group long to tell Finn to knock it off. We were used to his antics, so we never took anything he said seriously. Plus, I knew from earlier in the morning, just how offended he was when I acted like he didn't know his way around.

          We made it back to the cabin around mid-afternoon. It was warmer now. I was burning up in the heat, sweat trickling down my back and clinging to my hairline. My hair was now a sticky mess. There were times I really hated having curly hair - everything just went poof.  I felt like my head was a crazy, fuzzy, ball of yarn; sticking out everywhere.

          I was sitting out back, lounging in one of the fancy lawn chairs that faced the lake. My body was languid, so relaxed after the hike in the woods. I brush my hair back from my face, cringing at the feel of it. I needed a shower - and soon. The lake looked so inviting at the moment. It was calm - no ripples in the water - just the reflection of the trees around us. I could hear the birds singing in the trees and the insects calling out to one another.

          My body jumps at the sound of music blaring from speakers somewhere inside the cabin. It was some hip-hop song, very upbeat; I didn't recognize it. Voices came closer to me, but I didn't pay any attention to it, still relaxing - or I was until someone's calloused hands lifted me up and flipped me over their broad shoulder.

          "What the fúck?" I cry out.

          That's all I get to say before I feel myself falling and luke-warm water rushes over me. I flail my arms pushing myself to the surface, and when I break through, I come up sputtering. I push my hair back from my face, which was now turning red in slight anger. There, standing on the dock, coming into the water - was Luke, a huge grin fixed on his face.

          My annoyance fades away at the sight of it and the others laughing hysterically. "I'm gonna get you back, just so you know," I smirk, swimming closer to him.

          "You can try, amor." He chuckles.

          "Oh, I'm going too," I say, still swimming closer, but slowly as to not drag his attention from my face. I raise my hands out of the water as fast as I can and grab onto the front of his shorts, pulling with all my strength. Which, probably wasn't that much, but it worked and he rocks over the side of the dock. I laugh loudly at the look of disbelief on his handsome face as he plummets into the lake.

          He comes up beside me, brushing his strands from his eyes and shaking his head to clear the water from his head. "That was very naughty of you, amor." He rasps, a dark glint in his emerald eyes.

          The laughter from everyone else continues, but my focus is on him. "I believe you started it, so, who's the naughty one?" I move my arms slowly, keeping myself afloat. My clothes were sticking to my skin, weighing me down.

          "I thought you wanted to make use of the Lake?" He grins devilishly. He swims towards me, making me turn in the water away from him. I didn't want him to catch me. I knew he was going to make me pay for pulling him in.

          There was splashing around me, as everyone joined in; just enjoying the lake. Instead of following me like I thought he was, I turn to see him pull himself onto the dock. Water cascades over him as he gets out. He reaches back with one arm, pulling his shirt over his head, revealing his toned back and kicks his shoes off. His muscles ripple as he moves, his forearms flexing as he unbuttons his shorts, leaving him in black briefs. My mouth waters at the sight of him and I swallow hard.

          A loud whistle cuts through the air. "Take it all off!" Emma yells.

          I turn my head towards her and she winks at me. I can't help but laugh and Luke joins in. I catch the scowl on Ben's face when he hears her words. I laugh even harder at it. The guys groan and mumble, while the girls all start whistling and shouting.

         Luke raises his hands up. "Calm down, ladies, there is enough to go around." He grins.

         "Damn, your ego is big, Amaro." Elliot scoffs, running one hand over his buzzed hair - grin in place.

          At the same time, I say. "Like hell, there is enough to go around."

          Mickey huffs out a laugh. "There's my girl." He swims over to me, tugging me into his side.

          "Hands off, Lewis," Luke growls. I knew they were playing with each other. I catch the questioning look from the girl he was with - Emily. Emma starts explaining that Mickey always called me his girl, but it didn't mean anything like that. Emily's face lights up at the explanation, giving Mickey a warm look that he missed. He was too busy trying to rile Luke up.

          I move away from Mickey and dunk him under the water. He comes up spitting out water. "Hey! That was rude!" He pouts.

          "You deserved it," I say.

          Swimming to the dock, I pull myself up out of the water, my clothes were drenched, so I start stripping them off. I was aware that Luke was watching me. I could feel the heat of his stare as I shrugged off my shorts and top; leaving me in a bra and underwear. At least I wore one of my nicer pairs today. The rest of our friends already stripped their clothes before getting into the water. It wasn't like I was the only one stripped down, but Luke made me feel like I was - goosebumps raise on my arms and legs.

          When I chuck my shoes off, I turn and capture Luke's gaze. I knew that look and I shifted my legs, his eyes now tracking them. Those eyes told me what was going to happen later when we were alone. He turns a bit to glance out to the rest of our friends and I take one more moment to check him over - my eyes snag on his rib cage. There was something there, it was black, with perfect writing. It took me a moment to realize it was a tattoo I was looking at.

          Stepping forward a bit, I try to make out the words. They were clear and precise with beautiful writing, but if you weren't close enough you'd never make them out. Written was, "When I miss you, I look to the stars." He had the quote placed perfectly, mostly hidden when his arm was down. It was etched across his rib cage, with beautifully done stars located around the quote.

          My heart immediately felt heavy when I realized what those words meant, and who they were for. I was surprised at first to realize he had a tattoo and that I never noticed it before. But where he had it placed - hid it, it was intimate almost, in the sense that it was for him only. It made sense why I never noticed it before.

          "I got it done after my mamá passed away." Luke's voice was soft.

          "It's beautiful," I say, reaching out to trace my fingers over it. His skin was warm to the touch.

          When I look up, his eyes have a sheen to them. "She would have loved you, amor." He rasps.

          Around us, we could hear the laughter and splashes of water. He gripped my chin, dipping his head down to give me a kiss. He lingered for a while, till my brother started complaining about PDA. My response was to give him the finger and give Luke a warm smile.

We spent the last of the break getting drunk and having a great time, on multiple occasions. We frequently went swimming in the lake; it was our go-to spot for the rest of the vacation. We made sure to take pictures so we would always remember our time, in the case when the year was over we didn't get the time to see each other. We had the summer to spend time together, but we were making the most of the time we had now.

          I couldn't remember a time when we all had so much fun and got along. It was exactly what I needed and I didn't want it to end. But our time at the cabin came to an end and we all went home, back to everything we got away from.


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