Chapter Three - From Nice to Mean

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I follow behind Lucas quietly, still a bit shaken up about what just went down. He doesn't speak to me and leads the way, trying to find our friends, while I watch his muscles flex on his back.

I still had a hard time coming to terms with what just went down; my mind kept playing the scene out in my head. I never thought I would be one of the girls that this happens to, it's not that those girls thought that either. I was just having a hard time digesting everything, my stomach felt sick. All remaining buzz that flowed through my body from the alcohol had vanished the moment everything happened, just leaving a gross feeling throughout my body.

Bumping into the back of Lucas when he comes to a standstill, I steady myself and look around his body realizing that we made it back to our friends. Who were all standing around the kitchen? I was too absorbed in my thoughts to notice that we reached them.

Alexis is standing to the side with her two friends, talking to a couple of guys from the football team, glaring in our direction. I knew she didn't like Luke talking to me. She doesn't like it when any girls talk to him. She acted like she had some claim on him when in fact she didn't - no one claimed Luke. They would hook up now and then from what I have heard, it was no secret that they fooled around together.

"Where did you go off to? I couldn't find you anywhere?" Emma comes to stand beside me.

Her question makes me wonder how Luke found me. If she couldn't even find me, then how the hell did Luke get to me when he did? What was I even supposed to tell her?

Olivia walks up beside me and Emma, most of the group noticed the arrival of me and Lucas.

My brother takes one good look at my face and is immediately at my side. "What happened?"

I open my mouth prepared to tell him some false story about not feeling good, but Luke cuts me off before I can speak. I give him a small glare, which he ignores.

"Some pendejo thought it was okay to grope her when she wasn't into it." His voice has a steel edge to it, something I wasn't used to hearing from him.

There were loud gasps from the girls and I close my eyes waiting for Ben to lose his shit. I don't have to wait very long. At this point, everyone was now watching us.

"Where the fúck is this guy?" He grits out, hands tightening into fists.

He looked about ready to murder someone, and I knew if we didn't calm him down that things could get ugly.

"I'm fine, Ben." I grab onto his arm, trying to comfort him.

"You don't have to worry about him. Already beat you to it. Left him lying on the floor in the hallway, in a pile of his blood," Lucas grunts.

I let out a sigh, feeling all the events of the night wearing down on me.

"Thank you," he says, calming down somewhat.

It was time for me to go home. "I just want to go home."

"Yeah, we can go," Olivia says, worry written on her face.

"Sure, let's go." Emma gives me a sad smile, putting her arm around me.


The girls and I make our way to the front of the house. My brother, Lucas, Ethan, and Mickey following behind us; I assumed they were calling it a night too. The girls walk to the side of us while they call a cab and wait. I linger behind wanting to thank Luke one more time for helping me out.

I walk up to him where he's standing alone. He leans up against the house with his arms crossed over his wide chest, a frown on his handsome face.

"Thank you again... for what you did tonight." My voice low, as I brush my hair behind my ear.

"No problem, pequeña. You shouldn't have been with that guy in the first place." His voice takes on a firm note.

What the hell?

How does he go from being nice to me to cold in five minutes, without me even doing anything? I had no idea what he could be upset with me for and I feel anger well up inside me.

"It's not like I knew that guy was going to be an asshole," I growl, "What's your problem?"

The look on his face was turning darker by the minute, making the smooth angles in his face appear harsh.

"My problem is that you shouldn't have let that guy lead you away in the first place," he stands up straight. "Why did you even follow him? Do you know what could have happened to you if I hadn't been there?"

"Of course I know what could have happened. I thought he was a nice guy, so I left to talk to him and I shouldn't even have to explain myself to you."

Who does he think he is? That he can act like this to me? I shouldn't even have to tell him anything. All I wanted to do was thank him for what he did, but he had to go and act like a jerk. I never knew how to handle him. He was so hot and cold - always was.

It just kept reminding me of exactly who he was. We weren't friends, considering we didn't talk all that much, to begin with.

"Mierda! How do you think I found you and that pendejo? I watched you leave with him after dancing together, and I followed you because I knew it was a bad idea. Did you even know his name?" His green eyes staring a hole through me, making me feel a tad vulnerable under his unwavering glare.

I was getting angrier by the minute and felt the familiar sting of tears in my eyes.

"I don't have to explain anything to you," I spit out, "I just wanted to say thank you, but I guess it was a bad idea."

Staring back at him, I think I see his eyes soften a bit at my last words, but it was probably my eyes playing tricks on me. Because he didn't care how I felt at the moment.

"You wouldn't have had to thank me if you didn't follow stranger's places, but you're welcome." He grunts out, walking away from me and going to talk to Alexis who ventured out here in search of him. It was clear by the way her eyes lit up at the sight of him.

I watch her push herself into him, and he lets her. Leaning down and talking into her ear. I watch them both make their way into the house again.

The sight gave me a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I chalked it up to everything that took place tonight. Everything was a jumbled mess.

"You going to be alright?" My brother says softly, making me look away.

"Yeah, I'll be fine... I'll see you back home."

He gives me a quick hug and the girls call out to me that the cab was here. I walk away from him, taking a seat in the cab. The ride to my house was a quiet one, both girls looking at me to see if I was okay.

Surprisingly, that's not what bothered me now. What was bothering me was Luke's attitude towards me. I couldn't understand why he was being such a jerk to me, he didn't know me enough to pass judgment.

He was completely nice after what happened, worried about me even. He was quiet when we walked to find our friends. He didn't say anything and then went to being mean to me shortly after.

I couldn't figure out what I did to make him so angry at me. I'll admit that it was very stupid of me, to let a guy I didn't even know to lead me down a quiet hallway; not knowing what could happen to me, but I just wasn't using my head at the time.

The girls drop me off at my place and ask me if I want them to stay with me, but I tell them that I would be fine, shrugging off their concern. I just wanted to be alone for a while to straighten out my thoughts.

Up in my room, I remove my clothes and pull on a large t-shirt of my brothers before sinking under my blankets, trying to push my depressing thoughts aside. I fall into a fitful sleep, tossing and turning the entire night, not getting any rest.

** Picture of Olivia **

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