Chapter Five - Poison and Cruelty

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Sitting in class and listening to the teacher drone on and on, about Shakespeare wasn't my idea of a good time. Don't get me wrong I loved to read, but there is just something about it that I couldn't connect with.

The weekend went by too soon. All Sunday I spent my time lying in bed reading or watching Netflix. With that being said, this is currently why I am having a hard time focusing on Mrs. Graves's lecture. It's a Monday and let's face it no one can pay attention to anyone on a Monday.

I feel a vibration from my pocket and pull out my phone discreetly, trying not to get it taken away for having it out in class.

"Does Mrs. Gravy not realize that no one is currently paying attention to her?" I smile and look over to Emma across the room.

I feel another vibrate and look at my phone again, reading her new incoming message to me. "Wait. I was wrong, there is one person and we both know who that is."

I quietly muffle my laughter with my hand and glance up at the front to see Gavin Lewd, paying rapt attention to the teacher.

He was known as the biggest nerd in this school, always making high grades, listening to the teachers, following all their rules. I don't have anything wrong with students who liked to be good. I just had a problem with Gavin. He was always trying to push everyone into behaving and being good. Let's just say he wasn't a very nice person.

I quickly text Emma back, "I'm surprised he doesn't try to serenade her with a love poem, to get into her good graces,"

He was always trying to impress the teachers, so I wouldn't have been surprised if he did try to do it.

A short bark of laughter cuts off Mrs. Graves's mid-sentence, and I look over to find Emma giving her a sheepish look.

"Is something funny, Emma?"

"I just thought this part was kind of funny that's all..." Emma says uncertainly, trying to cover up her mistake.

Mrs. Graves gives her a look that says she may have gone insane, which I can't blame her for. This part of the story wasn't funny. It was about a person being poisoned to death, so it only made Emma look like she was demented and made me realize she wasn't paying attention to the story, or she wouldn't have just said what she did.

After the teacher resumed reading, I send her another quick text.

"You do realize that there is nothing funny about a person being poisoned, right?"

My phone vibrates once again. I look at her new message. "Shut up! I didn't realize that's what she was reading, till I just checked. How many people do you think are wondering about my sanity now?"

I smile to myself and write back. "That would be everyone. Including me."

The rest of the morning dragged by as slow as a snail, and when lunchtime finally hit, I couldn't have been happier at that moment in time.

"You seriously did that?" Olivia laughs in response to what happened in English earlier this morning.

"Hey, I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying, and it was the first thing I could think of as to why I was laughing."

"Yeah, which in turn made everyone question whether you should be in a mental asylum or not." I snort.

She gives me a glare in return, and Olivia continues to laugh even more at our banter.

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