Chapter Eight - Unexpected

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That night we left the guys to do what they wanted, making our way back to my place for the night. The girls figured it would be easier to stay with me than explain to their parents where they had gone and just telling them they were at my house.

           My thoughts kept circling back to what happened in that hallway. I didn't understand why Luke was acting so nervous and what that silent moment was all about. Just that something had taken place back there.

           I knew I had to push the attraction I was having about him away, it wouldn't lead to anything. I knew he couldn't possibly feel anything towards me. I was his best friend's sister. He likely views me as a friend, or not at all. Seeing as we weren't exactly close.

           I stayed quiet the whole way back to my house, letting the music, and their chatter keep the silence at bay. After we made it to my room and got ourselves comfortable than did the girls notice that I wasn't speaking much.

           "Why are you so quiet? Ever since you came back from the bathroom at Finn's you haven't been talking really." Emma questions.

           Not sure whether I want to bring up my and Luke's conversation. I keep quiet for a minute trying to gather my thoughts.

           "Yeah, you haven't said two words." Olivia joins in.

           I let out a sigh. "I didn't tell you guys about mine and Luke's conversation after the party the other night."

           "What do you mean?" They both say at the same time.

           Laying myself down on my bed further, I stare up at the ceiling.

           "When I went to thank him again for what he stopped just in time, he was angry with me. We kind of got into it. I never said anything about it because I just didn't see the reason too, I guess." I trail off, shrugging.

            I shift myself to my side, and they watch me from the end of the bed waiting for me to explain better.

           "Well, tonight when I went to the bathroom and came out he was waiting for me. He apologized to me. Saying that he wasn't angry at me, just the whole thing in general, which I accepted."

           "What's got you so quiet then? That's a good thing that he said sorry." Olivia voices.

           Emma nods along. "Yeah, I don't see why that's got you so quiet."

           "That's not it. He got kind of weird with me, went all silent and just kept staring till he snapped out of it. He seemed nervous, but I didn't understand why. I was just trying to figure it out." I huff.

           Emma laughs, and I look at her in bewilderment.

           "What is it with you always laughing at moments when you shouldn't be? I'm starting to worry about your sanity. I think we need to get you to a therapist."

           "Oh, shut up, I'm not crazy." she chuckles. "Okay, maybe, sometimes," she says when I give her a look. "I was laughing because I think he's into you. If he was nervous it could explain why."

           "What makes you say that? We all know that Luke likes to sleep around, and he never attaches himself to a girl." Olivia says.

           "Yeah, even I know that. Plus, it's not like we even really ever talk to each other. He could have just been nervous with me because he's not good with apologies."

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