Chapter Four - Popcorn and Burgers

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I woke up the next day to someone shaking me awake. I roll over in my bed trying to escape the person who was disrupting my sleep - seeing as I didn't get very much last night, I was about ten seconds away from ripping their limbs from their sockets.

"Psst! Come on, Faythe, get up!" I hear a male voice whisper-shout at me.

What could he possibly want at this hour?

"Ben? What in god's name do you want at this hour?" I roll back over and peer up at him.

He was already dressed in a red t-shirt and a pair of beige khakis.

"It's already almost one in the afternoon, sis. You've been sleeping for quite a while now." He walks over to my bed and sits down making himself comfortable.

Well, it looked like he wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon, so I sit up in bed and lean against the headboard. I have a feeling that he was going to bring up what happened last night, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk about it. I already felt stupid enough as it is after everything that Lucas said.

"Really, it's that late already?" I questioned more to myself. "I didn't get too much sleep last night," I mumble.

He gives me a worried look. "How are you feeling today?"

I didn't exactly know how I should be feeling. I just knew that what happened last night really sucked, but it was partly my fault. I shouldn't have let that guy drag me away from everyone else, even if he seemed nice. I knew better than that.

"I'm fine, Ben." He gives me a doubtful look. "Seriously, I'm alright." I press.

I was feeling alright this morning, I was just glad that things didn't go any further than they already had. I wanted to brush it all off and forget about it. Put it in the past.

He looked as if he didn't believe me, but didn't pressure me any further on the subject.

"Alright, you should get up. Can't sleep the whole day away." He smiles.

"Say's the guy who usually likes to sleep this late," I scoff out. "Why are you all dressed up anyway?"

He usually just wore an old t-shirt and jeans around the house, so he must have been planning on going somewhere.

"The guys planned to go to Junior's today, meeting some girls there."

Junior's was a restaurant that most of the kids from our high school liked to hang out at. There were lots of people who like to go there because the food was to die for. They made a mean hamburger and curly fries. The girls and I went there any chance we could. Most of the football team went to hang out after school, or on the weekend.

"Oh. Well, have fun then." I grin.

Getting up from my bed, he makes his way to the door. "Oh, I will." He smirks.

Of course, he would be thinking perverted thoughts. I scrunch up my face, giving him a grossed outlook to which he laughs at.

I can't help but smile. "Ben?" I call out, he turns back around to face me.

"Love you, bro."

He gives me a warm smile. "Love you too, sis."

Lying back down in bed after he's gone, I smile to myself.


Currently, I was relaxing in my living room watching television after getting dressed and dragging myself downstairs. I planned on just watching my shows all day, seeing as I have nothing else better to do.

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