Chapter Twenty One - One More Strike

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** This chapter has been edited.

A/N - Here's another update for you guys! Enjoy!

"Ben, have you seen my blue sweater?" I yell out, hoping he would answer me.

          Standing at the door to my bedroom, I wait for his reply. I knew it was probably useless, but I really wanted to wear that sweater today. I looked all through my room and couldn't find it anywhere.

          Storming over to his bedroom, I peak my head inside, as he's pulling on a sweater of his own. "Did you hear me?"

          "Yeah," he replies, not turning to look at me.

          "Well, do you know where it is, or not?"

          "I don't know, but if I had to guess, it would likely be in the laundry basket, in the laundry room." He says like I'm stupid.

          My irritation spikes at his words. I've honestly had enough of his attitude towards me. I get why he was angry, but this couldn't last forever. I was getting sick of him giving me the cold shoulder, and continuously ignoring anything I said - never looking at me -and when he did, it was only to give me a glare.

          "I get why you're angry, Ben, but this has got to end sometime soon, I'm your sister, You can't treat me like this forever." I spit out, annoyed.

          He turns to look at me. "Sister.. is that right?" He mocks me, "I thought maybe you weren't, seeing as your too busy getting around with my friends. I didn't think sisters did that, but I guess I'm wrong."

          His words cause an ache in my chest. I was his sister, and he knew me better than anyone, but he also had to realize, I make mistakes just like everyone else.

          "It was Luke, Ben, not friends. Also, I didn't sleep with him, if that's what you're insinuating. I'm only human and I make mistakes just like everyone else, I'm sure you've made plenty."

          I knew for a fact he's made mistakes. One time, there was a girl he was seeing, and she really liked him, I could tell when they were together. Only thing was, Ben wasn't as into her as she was, he figured she was thinking like him, that she wanted a no string attached - basically only sex - relationship. It wasn't like that for her at all, and in the end, he ended up hurting her instead, when she tried looking for something more permanent. That day on, he made sure any girl knew exactly what they were getting themselves into.

          "You call making out with my best friend behind my back, a mistake, no that was an - I got caught - so now I'm going to call it a mistake. That's all this is. You're just feeling guilty, nothing else to it."

          Turning back away from me, he shuts me out, shoving his things into his backpack.

          I knew it was going to take him awhile to forgive me, but it was going on almost three weeks now. He wasn't angry towards me anymore, but he wasn't exactly friendly either.

          "Either way, brother, you're going to have to forgive me eventually."

          "Whatever, Faythe, be ready in five. I'll be downstairs."

          Not bothering to reply to him, I go back to my room, deciding to just grab another sweater instead. My pleasant mood this morning completely forgotten, after our conversation.

The whole car ride to school was just as unpleasant as our conversation, nothing but complete silence between the two of us. The music helped to diffuse some of the awkwardness between us, but not by much.

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