Chapter Thirty Three - A Hike

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** This chapter has been edited.

I woke up the next morning draped across Luke, the warm sun was kissing my face. I kept my eyes closed and stretched out my body, my muscles blissfully sore from the night before. I couldn't keep the grin off my face.

          "You keep smiling like that, and I won't be able to stop myself." Luke's voice was rough from sleep.

          "Stop yourself from what?" My grin broadens as I open my eyes and take him in.

          He had one arm thrown behind his head, propping himself up. His green eyes flecked with brown; only noticeable from the sunlight streaming in. The blanket was pushed low on his hips, hinting at what was noticeably hard under there. He was like those endless pictures of male models - the ones that left you almost panting at how desirable they were. It was hard to believe he was all mine, and that we were currently sharing a bed together. He made my mouth water and my breath hitch in my throat.

          "You know exactly what I'm talking about, amor. Don't play coy with me." His voice dropped an octave. It made my insides instantly heat up and my core tighten in response.

          "Then why don't you come get me," I smirk, propping myself up on an arm. The blanket I had around me slid down, showing off my breasts; making his eyes dip down to take me in.

          He let out a low growl, sending a thrill through me. There was no warning before he pounced, trapping me in his embrace. "You're playing a dangerous game, amor." He bites my neck, making me groan and clutch onto his shoulders.

          "Maybe I want to live on the wild side for once." My words came out breathless. If we hadn't of been so close, I'm sure he wouldn't have heard them.

          "Well, enjoy the ride, babe." Those were the last words he spoke.

An hour later we were both washed up and ready for the day. It normally wouldn't have taken so long to get ready, but with Luke joining me in the shower after our first session this morning. It didn't take long for another one to take place in the shower.

          We stumbled into the kitchen; me laughing and trying to swat Luke's hands away from my butt. He apparently couldn't keep his hands to himself today. After last night, I guess all bets were off - he said so himself.

          "There's the love-birds." Finn drawled. He took a bite of his waffles, winking at us.

          I felt my face heat up. There was almost everyone in the kitchen, and they were seated around the table and island. There was breakfast laid out on the table and counters, enough to feed more than the cabin currently housed. My mouth watered at the smell of food.

          Luke tugged me to the table, pulling out my chair and nudging me into my seat. I gave him a confused look for a moment but realized what he was doing when he moved to grab two plates. He piled them with food, placing one of them in front of me, before taking the seat next to me.

          "Thank you," I say, giving him a grateful smile. He gave me one of his own before digging in his own breakfast.

          "How come nobody does that for me?" Emma huffs.

          "I'm pretty sure I tried that earlier. You gave me a look like you'd chop my balls off if I didn't set your plate down." Ben gives her a pointed look.

          "Maybe, I just didn't want to be served by you." She grins, taunting my brother.

          He stares her down, the tips of his ears turning red. He was fuming, but he never said a word and just continued to stare. Emma looks away, her stare trained on me now - a small quirk to her mouth. It was clear that she loved to rile my brother up, she took every chance she had to do it, too.

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