Chapter Thirty Six - Wanting a Redo

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** This chapter has been edited.

The park was full of mother's and their kids on a warm day like today. There were a few children with their father's, the moms nowhere in sight. I sat on a bench located in front of the swings. I was watching Luke push Isabella back and forth - she was loving it. She had a huge smile on her little face and her dimples were the biggest I'd ever seen. The broad smile on Luke's made me happy. It was nice seeing the two of them together and it made me think of the future; that maybe one day he could be pushing our little boy or girl.

          I know I was getting a little ahead of myself, but I couldn't dislodge the thought from my head once it stuck. These days it was getting harder and harder not telling him how much I loved him. I was just hoping that when I got there, that he felt the same way too.

          "Look how high I am, Fay!" Bella cries out.

          "I know! Way to scary for me, you're so brave!" I smile.

          She giggles. "It's not too high! I'm a big girl, so I'm not afraid!"

          Luke was standing behind her chuckling. "You sure are a big girl!" I tell her and she beams at my words.

          Watching the people around me and seeing all the love for their kids was fulfilling. I missed doing things like this with my parents when I was little. They always used to take me to the park when they had the time. I was excited when we got to do those things together. It was the little things like this that I missed the most.

          Luke was helping Bella out of her swing when a woman approached him. She had a little boy in her arms who was shoving his fist in his mouth; just munching away. She wore a flirtatious smile and the way she situated herself, it was no mystery what she was doing.

          Luke turns to his sister and points to the slide a couple feet away, before she takes off in that direction. Turning to the lady, he says something to her that I can't make out over the happy screams of the kids around me. A moment later she walks away. Luke makes his way over to me and takes a seat beside me. My eyes flick over to Bella, making sure I could see her. She was sliding herself down the slide, before repeating it all over again.

          "What did that lady want?" I ask coyly, trying not to smile. I knew exactly what she wanted.

          He bumps his shoulder into mine. "Are you done enjoying yourself?"

          "You'll have to give me another minute." I pause. "Alright, I'm good now." I laugh.

          Luke grumbles under his breath. "She thought Isabella was my daughter."

          "I figured that one out. You can't blame her though, you guys do look a lot alike." I grab onto his free hand resting in his lap. He wraps the other one behind me on the bench.

          His fingers curl into mine, giving them a squeeze. "I know, but she was trying to pick me up. I'm not about the older women."

          "Then, what are you about?" I look at him now.

          He stares for a couple seconds. "I'm all about you." He gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

          I can't help but laugh. "Smart answer, playboy." He winks at me in return.

          We sit around for a while longer just watching Bella play around on the playground. She was making some friends and playing with them in the sandbox by the time Luke rounded her up. She was making a fuss, saying she didn't want to leave, when Luke mentioned ice cream. That was all it took for her to stop complaining and willingly leave the sandbox. She said goodbye to her friends and we made for the car.

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