Chapter Thirty-Eight - The One

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*This chapter has been edited.

There were voices surrounding me. I could make out bits and pieces of conversation, but most of the words were muffled. I try to open my eyes, but it felt like there were metal weights holding them down and I was so, so tired. There was intense pain in my left arm and side, it was stronger than the rest of the pain throughout my body. My head felt like it was ten times the size it was and it pounded like a drum.

          "Oh, god, my baby." I heard mom's stricken voice. "John, look at our baby." She was sobbing and I wanted to comfort her, but I couldn't.

          "I know, love, I know." My dad's deep voice answers roughly. He sounded like he was trying to keep his own tears at bay. "She's going to be okay, Linda. Everything is going to be okay." His voice became soothing and I found myself drifting into darkness.

          When I came to again, I could make out distant voices. I didn't know how long I'd been gone. The time wasn't making sense to me. Everything was jumbled in my brain.

          "Why hasn't she woken up yet?" Mom asks. I didn't know who she was speaking too.

          "It's going to take some time. Her body is trying to recover from the accident and the body is doing what it thinks is best. I know it's hard, but just be patient, she will come back on her own time when she's ready." I didn't recognize the man speaking.

          "You got to come back, sis, please." My focus snaps to my brother's voice coming from close beside me. There was a desperation to his words.

          I wanted to tell him everything was fine, that I was right here, but I couldn't make anything work. All I could do was listen. It wasn't long before I was taken to that dark place where nothing existed again. It went on for what felt like forever, going in and out of consciousness. I listened to those around me - friends and family - every time I would come to.

I heard that familiar warm lit greet my ears the next time I was semi-awake. His voice washed over me and made me feel calm and at ease, even though I was struggling to wake myself up again.

          "Hey, amor." He rasps, sounding like he'd been crying. "I miss you, baby. Everyone misses you, so you need to wake up."

          I could feel his warm hand in mine. I loved the feeling of it, but at the same time, I felt like something was wrong. I knew there was something I was missing, but my brain was too jumbled up to understand what it was.

          "Isabella's been asking about you. She wants you to have another tea party with her." He chuckles at this. "Apparently I don't do it right anymore and all she wants is you. She doesn't understand why you haven't been around and I didn't have the heart to tell her."

          He's silent for so long that I was starting to drift again, but I struggle against it when I hear his warm voice again.

          "You need to come back to me, amor. I can't do this without you, I need you by my side." He was having a hard time getting out the words, his voice was thick with tears. "Please, God, I'll do anything. Just bring her back to me."

          My heart breaks at his words and I fought even harder to push away the fog clouding me and holding me as its prisoner.

          I must have moved because suddenly he squeezes my hand and says. "Faythe?" But I didn't have the strength to fight anymore and I was leaving to that dark place again.

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