Chapter Eleven - Memory Lane

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When the following school week rolls around everyone is buzzing about the latest parties; when I was just trying to brush off my lack of sleep. I spent the rest of the weekend dwelling on things that should be long gone from my mind but continued to pop up. After seeing what was done to Luke it brought up dark thoughts that I longed to forget but never could.

           After seeing that lost look in his eyes, it made me think of my past. How that same look used to accompany my face and still would from time to time. It was a look of hurt, hopelessness, and deep sadness.

           I spent my weekend with memories from my past; trying to make myself forget all over again and worrying about how Luke was doing, so overall it wasn't a very good time.

           The only thing that worked in my favour was that Ben was too busy attending the parties and hanging with friends, that I wasn't put under his watchful gaze. I could tell he was always worried that I was going to go back to that same state I was in before, so he tried to watch me the best he could.

           Walking through the halls during school hours was like listening to a bunch of birds chirping. Girls and guys whispered about Luke's face, wondering what took place. Some even made up false stories. I could tell just by how far-fetched they were. I just roll my eyes and keep my opinions to myself even though I want to tell people to knock it off and get a life.

           That was the thing with Luke though, everyone loved him or everyone wanted to be him. There was nothing he couldn't do without someone finding out. They treated him like he was a celebrity, constantly under the watch of eyes.

           It made me sad to think about how that could be so much pressure on your shoulders of everyone watching you, wanting to be friends with you, only for the sake of being friends with, Lucas Amaro, star footballer, and womanizer.

           Just some fascination with a good-looking quarterback, and not the real you under everything, flaws and all.

           Being sucked out of my thoughts from the voice of my best friend, I just manage to catch the end of her sentence before she stops talking.

           "What did you say?"

           "I said, did you hear all this gossip about Luke? I just overheard someone saying that he got the bruises from fighting with some mafia guy, which is completely ridiculous. I swear the stories are just getting wilder by the minute." Emma rolls her eyes.

           "Yeah, well, I guess that's what happens when everyone is obsessed with you."

           "I know, but give it a rest already."

           "They will find something else to talk about when they get bored." I shake my head in dismay.

           They were like a bunch of sharks. Eager to take the first bite of fresh meat, but in this case, it was gossip they were after. I hated people who were like that and avoided them as best I could.

           "Do you know what happened to Luke though? No one seems to know, and those bruises don't look like an accident of some sort. It's got everyone worried. He already threatened to knock out some guy who asked about his face. The guy made some stupid snide comment about not being a pretty boy anymore." She made a disgusted face when telling me this.

           I wish I knew what the hell happened to him, but it didn't look like he was planning on telling anyone else about it, other than Ben it seems.

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