Chapter One - Friends and Family

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**A/N - It's a little slow at first, but give it a chance. It does get better as the story progresses.

Waking up still half asleep, managing to stumble to the bathroom and almost tripping over my clothes half a dozen times didn't exactly make me in the best of moods this morning. This made me conclude that I should start cleaning my room more often. I wasn't looking to face-plant onto my floor this early in the morning.

I knew that going to school with two black eyes and a bloody nose wouldn't be something someone would consider a new fashion statement. I preferred going to school looking good - if not, at least half decent.

I take care of my business in the bathroom, then haul myself over to the mirror above my sink. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I notice the state of my brown hair, which happened to look like something was living in it. I try to tame down my curls - unsuccessfully, might I add - with my hands. Only a shower at this point would take care of a disaster like this, so I book it into the glass cubicle.

After scrubbing myself clean and drying off, I pick out a pair of black, skinny jeans and a cute green top to go with it. Some matching undergarments to go under and quickly pull them on. Putting some product in my hair for frizz, I leave it to air dry as usual. I make sure to swipe some eyeliner under my blue eyes, and put on a dab of mascara to go with it.

I check myself over one last time, making sure that I didn't forget anything. Now I was officially ready for another day of torture. That's what I liked to call school anyways.

Walking out of my room and to my brother's door down the hall, I bang on it hard enough to wake the dead - and considering my brother liked to sleep like the dead - it was necessary.

"Benjamin, wake up!" I yell out, hoping like hell I won't have to venture into his room.

If my room was messy as my friends like to say it was, then his room was considered a disaster. I never understood what it was about guys, that they felt the need to leave smelly socks all over the place. Didn't they realize that it made people want to stay clear away from their rooms, or pass out even? It's gross if you ask me.

That's why he probably does it; I wouldn't put it past him.

I listen for any movement in his room, and when I hear nothing, I bang on his door a little harder trying to wake his ass up, so we weren't late. He was my ride to school.

I hear cursing and a loud bang as if something hits the floor, and more cursing before the door opens to reveal my rumpled-looking brother. His light blue eyes were half closed from sleep and his dark, brown head of hair was dishevelled all over the place. He got his blue eyes from our parents. Well, both of us did. His darker shade of brown hair he got from our mother, and I inherited my lighter shade from our father.

"Can I help you sis?" he asks moodily, his voice raspy from sleep.

There was something we can both agree on. We are both not morning people, we like to have our sleep. We are never happy campers when we were woken or disturbed when in the middle of it.

"Did you just fall on the floor?" I try to hold in my laugh.

His eyes narrow, which confirms what I suspected.

"Get ready we got to be at school soon. In case you forgot such a thing does still exist."

He rubs his eyes glaring at me even more, and I give him a wide smile. I love to pick on my brother - I know he secretly doesn't mind.

"Alright, I'll be ready in ten." He groans, before slamming his door in my face.



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