Chapter Seventeen - Movies

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**This chapter has been edited.

We managed to get in a full show, and about half of another one before Ben trotted downstairs. He dragged us out to his baby, loading ourselves into the car. We spent the ride listening to music on the radio, belting out the lyrics to songs, trying to annoy Ben just a little bit.

           It didn't work on him though. He just smiled at us, singing along. He had a terrible singing voice, it just made Emma and I laugh all that much harder.

           We met up with everyone at the movie theatre. I thought I would be more nervous seeing Luke, but it wasn't that bad. It made things easier when he gave me a warm smile when no one was paying attention to us.

           He looked better than usual. He was wearing dark denim jeans that were snug, but not too tight. A white t-shirt, with a black motorcycle-style leather jacket, pulled over it. It fit him perfectly, showing off his broad shoulders, and trim waist. When I first caught a glimpse of him, I almost tripped over my own feet. He was so handsome. He wore his hair in his usual mess, which just made his attire all the more attractive.

           Emma couldn't help but laugh and whisper to me. "Now, that is just downright sexy right there. I can totally understand why you're lusting over him, and well, he was always sexy, but tonight, he's just downright sinful."

           I scoff. "You just keep your eyes on my brother. We both know that's who you really want."

           An elbow to my side makes me yelp, earning questioning stares from everyone around us.

           Olivia chuckles from the other side of Emma.

           "You okay, Faythe?" Lucas asks, coming closer to my side. I can see the concern on his face and my brothers.

           Holy shit! He even smelled delicious, all leather and manly cologne. It should be illegal to have so much sex appeal in one person. There should be a limit, but apparently, that didn't apply to Luke.

           I can see the lustful stares from other girls around us. Some were even here with their boyfriends - they had no shame. Luke never took notice of it. If he did, he never paid them any attention, that secretly made me happy.

           Emma snickers quietly. "She's fine, she just wasn't paying attention to where she was going. Had a run in with my elbow."

           I give her a dirty glare, assuring Luke that was I was okay. "I'm fine, just a bit clumsy, that's all." I go back to glaring at Em, making her grin wide at me.

           "You should be more careful, pequeña." Luke grins boyishly.

           Finn grabs his attention for a second, making him walk away from us. The minute he does I turn on Emma. Olivia watching us.

           "What the hell was that for?"

           "That's for bringing up my little situation about your brother, while were in public. What if he had heard you?"

           "I wasn't talking that loud, you jerk. He wouldn't have heard us. Plus, he's too busy talking to Mickey, to notice."

           "She's right. He's not paying any attention to us." Liv says.

           I look over at my brother for a minute, seeing him, and Mickey still in conversation with Mickey's date for the night. She was some brunette with dark brown eyes. I didn't recognize her, but our school was pretty big, and I didn't know everyone there.

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