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*This chapter has been edited.

Well, I ended up making it out of the hospital not long after. The doctor gave me the go ahead and soon enough I was relaxing at my house till my ribs healed a little better. Every day after school I had Luke there to help me out, along with Em and Liv. While I was in the hospital I had everyone come visit me daily. It was nice having people around after everything that happened.

          My parents took care of me during the days when they were off work and home. They kept their promise to Ben and me. They were spending more time at home with us and things were great between us; we felt like a family again. My parents even got along better than they had in years, it was a nice sight to see.

          I was caught up on my school work in no time with the help of Luke. Being smart really did come in handy. It was good he was so patient, because without him, I didn't know if I could have survived it.

          Soon enough it was graduation and prom. I had worried endlessly about whether I would get my cast off my arm in time, but the doctor had reassured me that everything would be healed in time for the end of the year - he was right. It was a couple days before graduation that I finally got it off and my friends threw a little celebration at Finn's.

          Our prom ended up being amazing. We all had a great time and it was the best night of my life, it was something I'd never forget. The summer following it was even more unforgettable. Each one of us spent time together before we knew we had to go our separate ways.

          Turns out I worried for nothing about whether Luke would be going to a different school than me. I had applied to Septon for becoming a Veterinarian and he got a scholarship for football. The relief I felt was immense after worrying for so long if we would make it or not. Ben got accepted for football and ended up playing professionally. Em got into design, she wanted to do fashion and that's what she did. There was no way those two were leaving each others' sides. After the incident with me in the hospital, they finally revealed that they were together. I was overjoyed with knowing, I knew Em loved my brother since we were kids and she finally got her happiness. Liv went away to a different university the first chance she got, becoming a teacher and Ethan followed along with her. The rest of the guys went their separate ways.

          We all kept in touch the best we could and when we all went home on break, we made sure to hang out always. The promise we made to each other about the cabin - stuck, so every year we would take a week out of our lives to meet there and have some quality time with everyone.

          After graduating from university, I got a permanent job, which I absolutely loved. Luke didn't end up playing football, but instead, he became a coach, something he was so proud of. His father was furious about it, but Luke didn't care. The relationship between them was still strained and to this day it never changed. Luke was okay with it though, he came to terms that that's how it would always be.

We ended up moving in together after we graduated. His sister Isabella moved in with us and we took care of her. It took some time, but after living in an apartment together for two years, one day Luke proposed to me. I said yes and it was the best day of my life. I would be lying if I said we didn't have hard times through the years, but we stuck together. A year after being engaged, we bought our own house. It was perfect and everything I ever imagined it would be.

          I never imagined that this would be my life, but it turned out to be the best thing I could have ever dreamed about.

          As I watch my husband and Isabella play with our little girl from the back step - they were each taking turns pushing Camila in her swing set - I knew I'd always be happy.

          Luke looks to me and makes his way over with a devilish smile on his face. I swear he got even better looking with age, it just suited him.

          He crouches down in front of me, kissing my swollen belly. "How's my boy doing in there?" he says.

          "Kicking up a storm." I rub my hands over my stomach.

          Fondness washes over his face and he places his hands over mine. "He's going to be strong like his daddy." He says.

          "He sure is," I say and run my fingers through his hair. He grabs onto my hand and kisses my fingers, sending a rush of excitement through me.

          "I picked out a name." I grin. "Let's hope you approve of this one."

          We were having trouble picking out a name. We both just couldn't decide on one.

         "What is it?" He stands up and puts his arms around me.

         "I was thinking, Oliver. You like?"

          "Hmm, I like it. You know Ben is going to be telling everyone his nephew is named after him." He chuckles.

          My brother's middle name was Oliver and this was the reason I wanted to name my baby after him. I loved Ben and it was fitting that my child should have a part of him. We already named our daughter after Luke's mom. The day I told him I wanted her to have his mothers name, he got teary-eyed, and over the moon with happiness.

          I laugh. "Yeah, but that's okay. It will make up for his slight disappointment at not having a nephew first." Ben adored Camila, but he was looking forward to having a nephew and when we told them we were expecting our second, he was over the moon excited to become an uncle again. Em was just as excited to become an aunt all over. They married shortly after us and I cried at their wedding.

          "That's true." He kisses me on the mouth, nice and slow. "I love you, amor. Forever and always." He grins.

          I stare into the green eyes of the man I love. "I love you more." And I meant it with every fibre of my being.

          It was a good thing I fell in love with my brother best friend, or I wouldn't be where I am today. Happier than I could ever possibly be.


A/N - This is the final chapter. I'm sad to say it, but all good things come to an end. I'm so happy that each and every one of you decided to stick with my story. It means the world to me that you all enjoyed this as much as I did. My first story is finally done with and it took me two years to get here, but I feel like this story made me grow so much with my writing. I look forward to writing others for everyone and I hope you will enjoy them as much as you did this one. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and every one of you that commented, voted, and added this story to your reading list! xox

-- Check out my other work Seizing the Darkness!

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