Chapter Thirty Seven - The Aftermath

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** This chapter has been edited.

Luke's P.O.V

I run my hands through my hair for the millionth time. If I wasn't pacing my room, I was trying to get a hold of Faythe. Her phone kept going straight to her voice-mail, so I assumed she shut off her phone. It didn't matter to me though, I sent her text after text, asking her to talk to me. I was going out of my mind after her last words.

          This couldn't be the last of us. It just couldn't

          I didn't know how I would survive without her, she was my light - my everything. Besides my sister and friends, there was no one else that mattered as much as her. Her smile and laugh are what kept me going on those days where all I wanted was to disappear, to just run away from everything. She had to talk to me again, she just had to, because I didn't know what would happen if she didn't. I already missed her fiercely.

          I sit on the edge of my bed and hang my head, running my finger once again through my hair, grabbing onto the strands and tugging. I try to calm my racing thoughts, but I couldn't.

          She had to realize I would rather cut off my own arm, then hurt her. She was beautiful. Every inch of her was - from the sight of her - to her heart. She was the most caring person I ever met. She was almost fragile in that sense - she always cared too much, but I loved that about her. Faythe loved with every part of her being, it was the one thing that was a blessing and curse for her. I knew it made her acceptable to bouts of negativity and depression at times. But when she was happy, she was like this bright light to everyone on a dark day. Faythe would always be my light.

          I was so in love with her that I never wanted to be with anyone else. I thought she knew that I would never want to be with anyone but her. The thought of what Melissa did - kissing me, made me sick. After Faythe left, I kicked her ass to the curb, telling her not to contact me again. She was supposed to be a friend to me, but a friend wouldn't put me in that position, not when she knew how much I cared for Faythe; and she knew.

          I'd told Melissa that I loved Faythe, but she kissed me anyways.

          I never got the chance to tell Faythe. I was so scared of her reaction, so I kept delaying it, like a fúcking dumb ass. If I ever again got the chance to tell her, I wasn't ruining it this time. I wouldn't let her go so easy and if she thought I would, then she was wrong.

          My phone chose that moment to buzz on my nightstand. I jump up scrambling to get it and knock one of my school books off, it landed on the floor with a solid thump. I didn't even look at it, I was to busy staring at the name on my phone - it was Ben. Shit, I didn't want to listen to his colourful choice of words that were going to be aimed my way. I knew he was going to tear into me, but fúck if I wasn't a sucker for punishment, so I answer anyway. 

          "Hey, camarada, what's-" I was planning on playing it cool, but Ben's frantic voice cuts me off.

          "He- slow down, what's going on?" I was instantly on alert, my body stiffening.

          "It's Faythe, man, it's bad..." He was starting to ramble again and I couldn't understand what he was saying.

          "Ben! Fúck man, you need to slow down! Now, what's going on?" I hear him trying to calm himself down by taking deep breaths.

          My heart was beating double time behind my rib cage. Ben never got freaked out, so I knew this was going to be something I didn't want to hear. I braced myself for what he was going to tell me, but nothing could have prepared me for his words.

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