Chapter Nine - The Mall and a Mysterious Girl

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When I wake up the following day, I immediately remember what took place the night before. How could I not, when I had the hardest time getting myself to sleep in the first place. My mind was constantly brought back to that kiss, my stomach clenching in part dread and part excitement. Wondering what was going to happen now.

          Would we just pretend that we never kissed? Would he tell my brother what we did?

          I couldn't imagine Luke telling my brother. He knows what Ben is like when it comes to me and, knowing it would be twice as bad if he knew it was his best friend and his only sister. The other part of me felt myself flush with the thoughts of last night. I couldn't help but enjoy it, making me wonder if he did too.

           I was brought out of my head when a loud knock disrupts my thoughts.

           "Up, and at em' ladies." My brother barges in, already dressed and ready for the day.

           Emma startles awake glaring at him from the massive blankets surrounding her and Olivia.

           "Are you out of your ever-loving mind?" She hisses.

           He grins at her. "Nope, my mind is currently present. That hair, however, is something the 80's want back, yeah?" He jokes.

           Olivia and I watch in amusement as she pats at her hair, realizing it's standing in every direction. Making me question how it was even possible. She hisses out in frustration when it doesn't cooperate.

           "Stupid hairspray," she grumbles, cheeks flushing a bit.

           I let out a yawn and sit up. "What's up?"

           "I made food for everyone. It's downstairs, and if you want some better come and get it." He turns his feet and walks out of the room.

           "Why didn't you say that first?" Emma yells.

           "What would be the fun in that." He calls back laughing the whole way downstairs.

           She glares at the doorway. "Did I ever tell you that your brother sucks?"

           I chuckle. "Not exactly, but I do recall you calling him hot as fùck. Having second thoughts about that? Because that's fine with me."

           "Even if she disagrees now, I won't." Olivia pipes up, running her fingers through her fiery red hair.

           Emma rolls her eyes. "Don't you have yourself a man now? You shouldn't be thinking shit."

           She shrugs in response. "Just stating the obvious..."

           Not wanting to listen to them talk about my brother in this manner any longer I speak up and cut them off. "Let's go eat, I'm starving."

           "You're always hungry." she laughs.

           Wasn't that the truth?

After taking quick showers and getting dressed quickly for the day we went downstairs to eat. I noticed that Luke wasn't present and voiced my thoughts to Ben. Turns out that he had left earlier around lunch, saying he had something he needed to do.

           I figured it was just his way of avoiding me, claiming he had something he needed to take care of.

           It bothered me to think he was avoiding me but, then I felt better knowing he wasn't there. I was worried Ben would be able to notice that something was off between the two of us, there was bound to be some tension.

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