Chapter Thirty Two - Bliss

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** This chapter has been edited.

A/N - I've finally come to the point where this is a brand new chapter for you all to enjoy! It took me awhile to edit over some things, and I may have still missed some mistakes. But I feel a lot better about my previous chapters. It's time to continue on with the story. Hope everyone enjoys this new update! Merry Christmas Everyone! (:

- Warning this chapter is a little intense. If you don't like this stuff, feel free to skip this one. 

It took us quite a drive to make it to the cabin. I fell asleep shortly into the trip - as I knew I would. I didn't stir the whole rest of the way there. When we finally did make it, Luke woke me up shaking my shoulder. His smooth voice greeting me first thing.

          "Wake up, sleepy head." He whispers, giving my shoulder another nudge.

          I open my eyes to see his smile aimed my way, and a smile graces my own lips in response.

          "Where are we?" Finally sitting up, I take in my surroundings.

          We were parked in a long driveway. There were thick, green woods on either side of us, and to the front was the cabin; if you could call it that. The thing was huge - it spanned the length of almost two buses. It was beautiful, though. The exterior was done in wood, with a nice golden varnish. The cabin was two stories tall, with a deep green roof, and it had lots of windows to help the sunlight stream through. There were rocks lining the driveway and path that led around to the back of the cabin.

          "Damn. That's a big cabin." I gape in awe.

          "Leave it to, Finn, to call it a cabin." Luke chuckles.

          We leave the car and join everyone else located at the front door to the steps. They already had their bags in hand or placed beside them - waiting for Finn to open the doors.

          "Cabin my ass!" Emma exclaims, voicing everyone's thoughts.

          We all laugh but follow Finn inside. The rest of the place was even more beautiful than the outside. When we made it past the sunroom that spanned the front of the house - it was screened off to keep the bugs out - to the living room inside, it was done in brown leathers for furniture and a warm rug to keep your feet cozy. The feel of it was comforting, and exactly how a cabin should be - fireplace and all.

          "This place is beautiful." Liv stares around amazed.

          Finn gives us a tour of the whole place, getting us familiar with it. The kitchen was modern and up to date - holding everything you would ever need. There were six bedrooms upstairs and two bathrooms; one was located downstairs and one upstairs. They were all just as nice as the rest of the place.

          We all pick a bedroom. Leaving Finn, Elliot, and Mickey with their own each; the girls they brought, bunking with them. Olivia and Ethan had their own together, along with Luke and I got our own. That only left one bedroom between Ben and Emma - who offered to bunk on the couch. It wasn't long before Ben was shutting down that idea, leaving Emma to share a room with him. At this, I couldn't help but smile wide in her direction; she didn't find this amusing.

          After figuring out our arrangements, we made ourselves at home, unpacking the things we brought with us. The room we picked was done in warm browns and reds, with a queen sized bed to go with it. There were two big windows located on either side of our bed, giving us a direct view of the lake out back. Gravel lowered right down over the bank and met with a small pier that went a couple feet out into the water.

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