Chapter Fifteen - Shots and Kisses

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**This chapter has been edited.

-- A/N This chapter gets a little heated up, but nothing major. Just thought I would give some warning.

Okay, so I might be a little intoxicated. Never mind, make that a lot intoxicated. I didn't plan on getting this way at all. It just sort of happened. One minute Emma and I are having fun dancing together - minus Olivia who was too engrossed into Ethan to bother dancing with us. Pretty sure they were busy occupying a room upstairs. I did see them sneak off at some point.

           The next thing I know, Emma is dragging me off the dance floor, and into the kitchen to do some shots. I tried to tell her I didn't want to drink that much tonight. But her words were "you only live once, so shut up and drink" and proceeded to shove the shots at me.

           So this is how I ended up drunk, way more than I would have liked. But Emma was right, I was only this young once in my lifetime, and I didn't plan on wasting it because of something that took place at a party. Just because it happened once, didn't mean it would again.

           At least, I hoped that was reasonable logic. I couldn't exactly trust myself at the moment, but it seemed good to me right now.

           I was having a good time and that's all that mattered to me. I push thoughts of Luke away from my head and focus on the right now, and right now I was enjoying a dance with Mickey.

           "You really know how to dance babe, how come I never knew this?" Mickey says, hands gripping my waist.

           Turning to face him, I grin. "You're not so bad yourself, and that's because I was never drunk enough to let loose."

           "Well, remind me to get you drunk more often." He snickers.

           "I have a feeling my brother wouldn't like that very much. Plus, it already looks like he's on the verge of killing you."

           We both glance over to the side of the room, where the couches were pushed against the wall. My brother was busy seated on the couch next to Luke - who still had Alexis clinging to his arm. A few of the guys and some girls lingered around them. From the look on Luke's face, he didn't seem to be any more pleased then my brother was, but I ignored him anyway.

           Snickering at the glare aimed at us coming from Ben - and not being able to help myself - I give him a small wave. This, in turn, makes him glare even harder.

           I wasn't lying about the fact that Ben hates when his friends get near me. I don't know if he didn't trust them with me, or if it was the fact that they were his friends. I didn't care to find out either way. He could get over it.

           "He really doesn't like anyone near you, does he?"

           "Nope, not one bit." I giggle.

           "Can't blame him. With you looking how good you are tonight. He must really be on edge."

           A blush covers my cheeks. "Is this your way of flirting with me?"

           He grins. "Maybe..."

           Giving his shoulder a shove. I throw my head back laughing.

           "I've seen you flirt and you lay it on a lot thicker than this. Don't hold back just because it's me."

           "I don't want to scare you away now. I got you just where I want you." He chuckles.

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