Chapter Twenty Seven - He Learns the Truth

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** This chapter has been edited.

** Warning - This chapter might have triggers for some people. I thought I would warn you ahead of time. Hope you enjoy it anyways!

I was in that state between half sleep and half wake, where everything seemed calm and relaxing. This was the comfiest I could ever recall being. The sun casts a warm glow across my body, beckoning me to wake up. But I didn't want to move from the amazing warmth.

          In the process of trying to move over onto my stomach, something heavy and warm keeps me in place. Startled, I become alert, wondering why I was being pinned down to my mattress.

          That's when everything from last night flashes back to me. The dinner with my parents, our fighting, and leaving up to my room in tears. Then Luke coming up to my room and comforting me, telling me that everything was going to be alright before I succumbed to sleep on his chest.

          The more I focused my attention to my surroundings, the more I realized that the muscular arm wrapped around my waist and the hand settling onto my bare stomach – due to my shirt riding up – did, in fact, belong to Luke.

          This time I try to shift my body to turn in the direction of him, but as I do, he moves closer to me, pulling me back into his hard body and gripping tighter around my waist - keeping me flush against him. The moment he makes contact with my body, I can feel something long and hard poke into my lower back.

          Oh my, god. Is that what I think it is?

          I freeze completely, my face flooding with heat and my body becoming super aware of him. I know it's not like I've never felt him before, but for some reason I was nervous. Maybe, it was because he was in my bed and he was wrapped around me, that made me flustered.

          Slowly, I try to pull his arm from around my waist, but just as I thought I was in the clear, he speaks up from behind me.

          "Morning," his raspy voice greets me.

          I turn around, knowing there was no sense in trying to get away now. I just hoped he wouldn't question my flushed face.

          "Morning," I smile shyly, taking in his sleepy green eyes, his tousled dark hair and tan skin, that looked sun-kissed.

          He stares at me quietly, a grin stretching across his beautiful face, showing me his straight, white teeth.

          "Why are you so flushed, amor?"

          I avoid his eyes. "No reason."

          Tugging me closer to him, he puts his face into the curve of my neck, right by my ear. "If you don't tell me... I'll be forced to do something you won't like." He rasps, his breath fanning my ear.

          I bite my lip, debating on letting him know. "It's nothing. I'm just a little warm that's all." I lie, not having the confidence to tell him.

          "You leave me no choice." He sighs, but I can hear the grin in his voice.

          "What do you mea-" I'm about to ask, but his long fingers, tickling my sides cutting me off and I'm to busy squealing in laughter to finish what I was saying.

          I try to get away from him, but he manages, somehow, to get me under him, using his hips and legs to pin me down to the bed. He tickles my sides, gently, making sure he doesn't hurt me, but it was still torture.

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