Chapter Twenty Three - She Learns the Truth

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**This chapter has been edited.

A/N - Hope everyone enjoys this one!


Luke's POV

Standing in the kitchen, I watch Faythe, walk away from me; her long, curly brown hair swaying on her back. The look she gave me before she walked away, sent guilt and sadness through me. She looked so hurt, and I didn't know what I could do to make it go away.

          Whatever I told her wasn't going to ease it, I knew this for sure. I was used to the sad looks directed my way over the years. I've seen them every time I told someone that my mother was no longer around, and I honestly hated it.

          It was something I tended to avoid. If I could get away with never telling anyone about my mother, I always made sure I could. I didn't like telling people my personal business. The fewer people knew about me, the better.

          There was only one person who knew almost everything about me, and that was Ben. He was the only person I could call my best friend. The only person who knew about my secret. He was more like a brother to me. He was the only person who stuck by me through everything, including the loss of my mother.

          That said person was currently leaning against the kitchen counter, with a mixture of worry and sorrow on his face. There was no trace of anger on his features - for the time being, he must be putting aside everything with his sister. Which I was thankful for.

          "You alright, man?"

          I run a hand down my face but wince in pain, forgetting about how banged up it was. "Yeah, fùck, this is so messed up."

          "You're telling me." He was lacking his usual humour when he was around me.

          Ben, was always the easiest going one when we were growing up. I was the one who was more on the serious side. Only showing humour around those I was comfortable with. I always yearned to be as laid back as he could be.

          Instead, I had people constantly wanting to be me - thinking I had some great life. Shit, when in reality, I didn't have a clue half the time of what I was doing. They saw some guy who was a quarterback, who could get pretty much any girl he wanted and had tons of friends, automatically, I was some amazing guy.

          Fùck, if only they knew what my life was really like.

          "How mad do you think she is right now?"

          "She's not mad. Faythe just wants to know what the hell is going on. She's always had this problem with wanting to help everyone around her, everyone but herself."

          Ben walks to the fridge, opening it up, he grabs himself a water bottle. He motions a bottle in my direction, asking if I'd like one - with a shake of my head, I decline.

          "Listen, man, if you really like my sister, then you're going to have to be honest with her. She doesn't like when things are kept from her, and she really doesn't like being held away at arm's length. So, if you are serious when it comes to her – and you damn well better be..." He gives me a fierce look, eyes hardening. "Well, then, you got to be straight with her. I'm not saying you have to tell her anything, just yet. But if you never plan on telling her what I know - then just let her go now, before things become even more complicated." The serious expression on his face lets me know he means business.

          Ben was never one to joke around when it came to his sister. She was the one thing he never joked around with. He took his sister's well-being seriously. The first thing he told me when we began to take interest in girls, was that his sister was off limits; under no circumstances, was I to become involved with her. Shit, I really could be an asshole, I broke the number one rule of the guy code. Don't date your best friend's sister.

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