Chapter. 10

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I saw a lot of different aged people but they all seemed to be a part of the same family. Well I mean first of all there was Endeavor sitting up in his bed and the one closest to him was for sure was uh, whats his name. Mh that kid Bakdigo called him Icy-hot but i'm pretty sure that's not his name. Um oh right! Shota or Shoti or Shoto? I don't really remember names. But then there was a girl about the same height I was assuming was his sister. And there was one more guy, with completely white hair and seemed to be about 20 or 22. Then there was a women standing in the middle who was the first to notice me when I walked in the room. I assumed that she was their mother she seemed to have a melancholy look in her eyes but okay her hair. On point it was just perfect! Like incredible (Authors honest opinion).

"I'm deeply ashamed and apologize for my eldest sons actions." The one who I though was the mother said, bowing down.

"Woah sorry ma'am but don't worry that's not exactly what we're here for." I said, feeling the familiar twinge I usually felt whenever someone brought up Toya. Goddamn it why? These people are his family they obviously knew him better than I did, they loved him more than I did and yet I still feel bad about this. I haven't been as badly affected as they have and yet i've spent hours crying, just wanting him there but them. They lost a brother

A friend

A son

A secret keeper

A movie buddy

A family member.

What have I lost?

A friend?

Does any of that count to as much pain as all of these people have gone through. "Well at least they had each other" I thought to myself. I had people to, Rumi, Lady we were all friends we all have someone who cares about you one way or another. But I guess I could't see that somehow.

"We do indeed want to know more about Dabi but I deeply apologize for eavesdropping to obtain this sort of information. Eavesdropping is sketchy like black market denim." Jeanist replied. "Plus figuring out what caused Dabi to become a villain and pick up the Dabi identity the more we can appeal to the child inside him and save him." Jeanist added on. I know that I was his friend but I honestly didn't know why he did become Dabi in fact that probably made up most of the reason why I was so sad. Not knowing why. But realizing that Endeavor was behind most of the reason he was going through so much pain was because of the person that I had admired the most. That fact, along with the pain of him not being here and the guilt of not being there for him it ripped my heart out. No I mean it literally felt like my heart was being ripped out, leaving a big black void in its place. The same void that often appeared in my dreams making me awake in a cold sweat.

Fuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkk I need a nap.

Of course I couldn't sleep after I watched the video Dabi brodcasted to all of Japan guilt pilling over me, almost like I myself was responsible for my friends death. Imagine how his family must have felt, bastard. Of course like his family was anymore responsible for his death than me. Of course he had to be involved too, damn it damn it damn it. Again that rage that same rage I felt when I met that lady at the entrance to the hospital it just took over.

"Man I mean i've watched a lot of videos of you over the years Endeavor but I never suspected that in your younger years you were that tenacious." I said expelling my anger. Which I immediately regretted. Of course I was angry but that didn't mean I could take it out on other people and their history considering mine of course.

"Asking respectfully of course but are you also responsible for Shoto's scar?" I heard Jeanist ask.

"No I was responsible." The older women said.


"No, I caused pain but yet you still call me mother which makes me so happy Shoto." She replied. Adorable, if only I had that kind of relationship with my mother. Fuck there I go making everything all about myself never giving a shit about anyone else. That's what happened with Toya isn't it.

"I never confronted my parents but yet you stand your ground." I said choosing the most respectful option sense i'm pretty sure that i'd already hit the limit of disrespect for today. "Shoto your one heck of a kid," I muttered to myself.

"Anyway back to business Endeavor." I said not wanting to dwell on the topic any longer. "The worlds against us people are having less and less faith in hero's, pros are resigning left and right we have no leads on anyone at all every things gone to crap in two days which is why I second what your wife said you have no choice to keep fighting!" I exclaimed. I hesitated before speaking again, choosing my words carefully. "Even if Dabi was right about you and your family I know that your trying to change I need to do whats right and that mean supporting people who are trying their best to do the same."

"Which is why we want to team up." Jeanist said from behind me. "I've already bet my life on Hawks once I know I can do it again."

"That's why we want to team up at least until Dabi is captured." I said, again realizing that this whole thing was only for my personal benefit. Only wanting to capture Dabi to get answers even though I knew he was a murderer.

"But we have one thing to do before that." Jeanist explained.

"What?" The girl with the red and white hair asked.

"We need to explain this to the public."


The public.

All the tears I've wept (dabihawks)Where stories live. Discover now