Chapter 32

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"What do you want?!" He whisper yelled at me. 

"I found something you might liiikeee!" I exclaimed a huge grin plastered across my face. 

"Huh? What is it?"

I showed him part of the menu, it was seafood udon! There was shrimp and salmon and I think there were a couple of clams in there or something! Wait no clams are the slimy things, what are the one things that are like just the meat but not?


I think so? 

Eh whatever I wasn't really that relevant I guess. 

I knew I should be keeping my voice down, we were "undercover" which was just Spinners way of trying to make this whole situation more fun. 

I played along. I acted like it made me feel better, like I wasn't as freaked out as I actually was. 

I just didn't want them to worry about me. 

I didn't like it when people worried about me. 

Plus they had so much more to worry about. 

Like Dabi. 

I missed him. 

His sarcastic remarks, his hugs, his weirdly wise words, his funny jokes, how he'd let me take some of his blood, him just being there. 

I think I missed all of him. 

I hadn't missed anyone since my parents. 

I think I still miss them sometimes. 

I shook my head and looked down at the table, I just swiped my hands back a forth on it. 

It was so smooth, the harsh light from the light bulbs above us shined down onto the table, then reflected off of the shiny wood. 

I remember learning about light waves in science in high school. 

I did really miss everything, I missed the one person who'd sell bean buns on my way home from school. I missed the noisiness of the hallways, I actually kinda missed doing homework! 

I mean sure I was happier here but I just couldn't help but wonder. 

What would it be like if I had never run away?

It just popped up into my mind sometimes. 

I couldn't stop it. 

I just wondered. 

"It looks okay," Shigaraki replied with a sigh as I looked over towards him, slightly startled. 

Did he not like it? 

"Do you not like it?"

"No, no I like it!" I reassured me with a nervous smile, his voice scratchy like carpet. "I was just thinking of just getting a bowl of Miso instead." 

"Oh yeah, that sounds great!" I smiled. 

I felt like he was treating me like a child. 

I didn't like that. 

But it was fine I guess. 

We didn't have much money, we stole some ladies wallet to buy this food, but after that we're gonna try to find out way back home. 

So far we at least knew where we were. 

So we lived in Musutafu but somehow we ended up in Aichi which was one prefecture over. 

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