Adventures at Lawrence High (High School AU)

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Dean was slammed onto his feet. When his vision cleared, he found himself standing in a parking lot next to the Impala. He shook his head, trying to clear the fuzziness that still lingered from his intense portal trip. Dean looked around and tried to take in his surroundings. They were standing in the parking lot of a school, specifically...Lawrence High School. Kids were parking and lingering around the front doors. Parents were dropping off their kids, and students wielding backpacks met up with friends at the entrance.

                "Sammy? You okay?" he asked, looking around for Sam. When he found him though, it wasn't the Sam he was expecting...

                Sam looked like he was fourteen years old again. Kevin and Harry looked a little younger, and Dean didn't even recognize Cas at first. Dean turned to his car and looked at his reflection in the window.

                He was eighteen again.

                Dean looked back at everyone else, his mind going numb. Everyone else was looking at each other as well, and looking at themselves in the windows of the Impala.

                A kid obnoxiously shoved past Dean, running in the direction of the school. He turned and looked at Dean, smiling.

                "Hey, Winchester!" he said, pointing. "I hear Lisa is lookin' for ya inside! You better hurry! She looked mad!"

                The guy ran off to the school, and the five all looked at each other again.

                "This must be Saruman's curse," said Harry, pocketing his wand. "He sent us to an alternate universe. I've only heard of this curse, I didn't know it was real."

                "Well, what do we do? How do we get back?" asked Dean. "And who are you?"

                "We can't do anything. We have to go through this curse and wait for it to end. We have to 'play the part given to us' in a sense," explained Harry. "My name is Harry Potter, by the way."

                The others all shook his hand and introduced themselves.

                "So, what are you saying? We have to go to school?" asked Dean, growing increasingly panicked at the prospect.


                The bell rang and the students that were lingering outside all made their way in.

                "Well, if that's the case, then we're late," said Sam, irritably. "And my perfect attendance is ruined."

                "Wow Sam. My condolences," said Dean sarcastically.

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