Duel Club Pt 2 (Hogwarts AU)

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"Now, begin."

Octavius immediately screeched, "STUPIFY!" but Dean blocked it just in time. Octavius kept throwing curse after curse, screaming every one. Dean kept blocking and dodging, just barely avoiding each one, unable to throw any of his own.

"Bombarda!" Dean finally managed to yell. His spell exploded in front of Octavius. But through the explosion, Octavius leaped at Dean, tackling him to the floor. He pinned Dean to the floor and straddled him. Dean struggled to get away, but Octavius pinned his arms above his head, wrestling Dean's wand from his hand. He tossed it to the side. Dean looked up at him with terrified eyes. Octavius looked thrilled, his teeth bared, his forked tongue darting in and out with a breathy hiss, much like a snake.

Dean realized that Octavius was about to bite into his neck. So as soon as he bared down on Dean, Dean flipped him over and got out of his grasp, hopping to his feet and scrambling away from the wild animal. Octavius screeched and wheeled around, trying to grab Dean again. Dean dodged his swipe, running and rolling out of the way. Dean saw his wand laying on the edge of the platform and he grabbed it mid-roll. He hopped back to his feet and pointed his wand at Octavius.

Octavius hissed again. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" he screeched. Dean dodged before realizing what had just been shot at him. The students watching all gasped in horror, except Luci, who was checking her nails with a mildly amused expression on her face.

"Expelliarmus!" Dean shouted. The spell shot at Octavius but he blocked it.

"Defodio!" yelled Octavius. Dean just managed to block the horrific spell. Why was Coggshell letting him use these spells?! Dean thought, out of breath and panicked.

"Colloshoo!" Dean shot at Octavius's feet. Octavius stopped in his advance toward Dean. He looked down at his feet, which were now stuck to the floor. Dean used this moment to catch his breath. Octavius looked back at Dean, a smile creeping up his face.

Dean flinched even before he said the spell. "Carpe Retractum," Octavius growled. A rope shot from the end of his wand and wrapped around Deans feet. Dean was yanked to the floor and he began sliding across the platform to Octavius. He tried frantically to grab something but there was nothing to grab.

"Expelliarmus! Expelliarmus! Expelliarmus!" Octavius deflected each one. "Stupify! Cantis! Confringo!" Still, Octavius blocked each spell and Dean was soon at Octavius's feet. Dean looked around in desperation, but as soon as he got close enough, Octavius jumped him, pinning him to the ground once more. He disarmed Dean once again and pinned his arms above his head. He hissed in Dean's face, spraying saliva. Dean squeezed his eyes shut and turned his head. This is it, he thought.This is how I die. Octavius bared his deadly teeth and prepared to rip into Dean's throat.

"That's enough." Said Coggshell in a bored tone. She held up a hand. "Octavius is the winner."

Octavius smiled and stood up. Dean stayed on the ground, panting in relief and shock.

"See? Simple. All you have to do is disarm your opponent." She said, then took a long breath before continuing. "Well done Octavius, you may both leave the platform. Let someone else take a turn."

Cas, Paris, Matt, Jimmy, Steve, and Putin stared in horror, their mouths hanging open.

To the song Ballroom Blitz*, the next unlucky opponents were chosen to step up to the plate. Paris against Cas. They walked to each other in the center. Paris whispered an apology up front before they bowed.

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